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Posted: 4/21/2007 1:18:29 AM EDT
Would I be taking OPSEC too seriously if I decided not to tell people on a public Internet forum that I have orders to deploy to Iraq?

Someone asked me (on a liberal forum that I go to argue and debate) the question "So...exactly when are you shipping off to Iraq?".

I told them that A) Even if I knew when I was deploying I wouldn't tell them because it would be an OPSEC violation and B) I hardly have any control whatsoever over where I get assigned to.

So basically, I was telling him that he should know better than to ask that question in the first place (since he claims to be former Army).

What do you think?
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 1:20:50 AM EDT
I don't think you can ever take opsec to seriously.

Just my opinion of course.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 1:35:00 AM EDT
I'm sure if I did a search for all your posts here, or even for your username elsewhere, I could find a post where you admitted what unit you are assigned to.  Since unit deployment schedules are announced by the pentagon months in advance now (to the public) I could probably tell you when you are deploying.  That said "I will deploy this fall" would seem to be ok to me whereas "I will be flying out at 0800 on the 26th of September on American Airlines flight 458" would seem out of line.  It's your call though, draw the line where you feel comfortable.  
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 1:37:20 AM EDT
So, I take it you are going to Iraq.
-and you have posted that on how many forums now?

Maybe, just maybe, you should (re)consider WTF OPSEC is,
why its important, and stop telling everyone.

But hey, thats just me.

In other words -STFU
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 2:28:35 AM EDT
Troops going to Iraq is no longer news......Ananna Nicole's Baby's Daddy is news, but what type unit you are in and what your specific mission or capabilities are is considered OPSEC sensitive.

Sadly, all the insergents have to do is pick up a discarded Stars and stripes or Army Times, and they are going to find out all kids of stuff they don't need to know. There always seems to be plenty of dumb shits willing to discuss Secret info dealing with things like....well lets see, air craft counter measures and what type of anti aircraft SAM's it will and will not defeat. Or maybe how effictive a certain type of IED has been against US forces due to weakness in their armor. It makes me sick.

However, you and your family's safety should be considered when telling people you will be deploying.
I will not let my wife display bumper stickers like"Half my heart is in Iraq" for example. It just seems to leave her open to preaditors and scumb bags that are looking to target folks for break ins or sexual assualts. Thats just me though.

At FT Hood, there was a rash of reports of family members of deployed service members being targeted by some sicko. He would call and tell them that their loved one had died in combat, then tell them that a representative would be comming by to talk with them about the specifics and what would be a good time that they would be sure to be home. Then when he was sure they were not home, go rob them.....
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 2:58:00 AM EDT

So, I take it you are going to Iraq.
-and you have posted that on how many forums now?

Maybe, just maybe, you should (re)consider WTF OPSEC is,
why its important, and stop telling everyone.

But hey, thats just me.

In other words -STFU

No offense but

Even our BN commander told us we could tell people we were leaving "sometime around the 10th".  And we're talking huuuuuuge opsec nazis in this battalion.

You're fine if you say "Oh we're leaving sometime in July".
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 2:59:34 AM EDT

I'm sure if I did a search for all your posts here, or even for your username elsewhere, I could find a post where you admitted what unit you are assigned to.

I have never posted the unit to which I have been assigned in the past, the present, or the future.  Ever.  Go ahead and look for yourself if you do not trust me.

So, I take it you are going to Iraq.
-and you have posted that on how many forums now?

Maybe, just maybe, you should (re)consider WTF OPSEC is,
why its important, and stop telling everyone.

But hey, thats just me.

In other words -STFU

No, actually, I am not going to Iraq--at least not any time soon.  I am currently serving a one year tour in Korea.  I have 7 more months to go and currently do not have orders for my next duty assignment.

Troops going to Iraq is no longer news......Ananna Nicole's Baby's Daddy is news, but what type unit you are in and what your specific mission or capabilities are is considered OPSEC sensitive.

I haven't posted what unit or type of unit I am in, nor my specific mission or capabilities.

The most that I have ever said is that I'm a 25B (REMF ), I went to Fort Jackson for BCT and Fort Gordon for AIT and I'm currently in Korea on a one year tour.

But the point of my original post was that it seems to me to be a inappropriate to reveal deployment orders to Iraq on a public Internet forum.  Yet the responses I was getting from the liberal crowd was that I was taking myself too seriously by claiming OPSEC as an excuse for not telling "when I am going to deploy to Iraq".
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 3:05:27 AM EDT
general info is one thing (the I'm deploying to the sandbox in july)  but specific info  Like AO
and dates and mode of travel arn't.  

When I served during the cold war I thought this was all BS and then two years later they arrested a guy out of my unit for selling info to the east Germans and Soviets.

So yes you should be careful.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 3:10:26 AM EDT
Simple. If in doubt, don't say anything.

Link Posted: 4/21/2007 3:20:04 AM EDT
OPSEC does get blown way out of proportion.  Of course arguing against it is like arguing against Force Pro and MWR activities.  You are always going to be accuse of not caring about Soldiers or the missions.

Fact of the matter is the only place we are losing this war are the Information Operations area, we don't take the risks we should, at least IMO, in telling all the good news from the front, at the risk of some "OPSEC" violation.  We never put the deaths of our service members in context for fear of giving a BDA to the enemy.

We over OPSEC everything and hence, make it difficult to take seriously.

There is a big difference between posting "I will be going to Iraq, probably Mosul are next month" and "1/1 Armor will be leaving Ft. Living room at 0600 in 13 March 2006, etc . . ."

The American people want and deserve to know what is going on over here.

What's the over/under on the next five posts saying I am not adequately concerned about OPSEC?
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 6:02:19 AM EDT
I guess maybe I am taking it to seriously. Thats fine. Just try to use your head. At least you are aware of what it is. I guess with the internet, and chat forums, YouTube, etc; the idea of something being a secret anymore is out the window. Just please realize that its a slippery slope, and what isn't a big deal to you, could be enough to compromise something else. I had that shit drilled into my head "Cold War" style, so maybe I am being overly cautious.

But still, I would just err on the side of caution, and not discuss it. You don't have to tell anyone, why would you.

It isn't your responsibility to inform the "American Public" about what is going on in Iraq.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 6:06:40 AM EDT
Just give a general time like sometime thi summer.  Do not give the flight number and date, etc.  It just isn't worth it.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 2:56:46 PM EDT

OPSEC does get blown way out of proportion.  Of course arguing against it is like arguing against Force Pro and MWR activities.  You are always going to be accuse of not caring about Soldiers or the missions.

Fact of the matter is the only place we are losing this war are the Information Operations area, we don't take the risks we should, at least IMO, in telling all the good news from the front, at the risk of some "OPSEC" violation.  We never put the deaths of our service members in context for fear of giving a BDA to the enemy.

We over OPSEC everything and hence, make it difficult to take seriously.

There is a big difference between posting "I will be going to Iraq, probably Mosul are next month" and "1/1 Armor will be leaving Ft. Living room at 0600 in 13 March 2006, etc . . ."

The American people want and deserve to know what is going on over here.

What's the over/under on the next five posts saying I am not adequately concerned about OPSEC?

I know when we left, we didnt get flight information until the day BEFORE we left....so as to not be able to give out the info.

Link Posted: 4/21/2007 3:09:59 PM EDT
If you're not sure, don't talk about it.

If it's okay, in due time it will come out in a press release. Or some officer/civilian of appropriate rank/level will leak it to a reporter to show how important they are.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 3:23:23 PM EDT

If you're not sure, don't talk about it.

If it's okay, in due time it will come out in a press release. Or some officer/civilian of appropriate rank/level will leak it to a reporter to show how important they are.

I am not .mil but work at a gov facility and this is the policy I use.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 7:06:24 PM EDT
OPSEC is often overblown.  But I'ld rather see it over emphasized than under implemented.  Once you get the troops used to doing it right, it's easier to relax than to tighten it up.

If you were going by bus to the airport/airfield and you could expect homegrown terrorists or demonstraters, then knowing when where etc about the bus movement is definitely information to be kept under wraps.  If the buses are just taking you from the barracks at Ft. Bragg to the flight station at Pope AFB, then it doesn't really matter does it?

If there were Russian, Iranian, Nazi subs around Long Island your ship was leaving from Brooklynn Navy Yard then ship movements are damn important.

Generalities are not real important now, in other times and other places they were and may be in the future.

On a more personal level, when you get a call from a home security company on the phone do you tell them that you don't have an alarm but have a lot of guns in an old fashioned gun cabinet???
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 7:08:56 PM EDT

I don't think you can ever take opsec to seriously.

Just my opinion of course.

Link Posted: 4/21/2007 7:16:18 PM EDT
You, like I, have a security clearance, therefore OPSEC cannot be taken too seriously.

I only tell others what I have already seen in the local newspapers that my employer has already made safe for public view.

You on the other hand, are in an even more important situation.

You shoot your mouth off to the wrong person, and it could mean your death, or the death of others in your unit.

Loose lips sucky, sucky, long time joe....er..Loose lips sink ships and all that....

Link Posted: 4/21/2007 7:17:02 PM EDT
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