I have an excellent job I am very happy with it and for my trade I will not be able to find anything better in this area. I am somewhat satisfied with it, however here is my dilema, I live in a city not a big city but none the less a city, I want out. I just recently found a place that is in the country that I can rent for about $150 dollars less than what I am currently paying for rent, and it is in the country. and closer to my girlfriend, while she is in school. She has about a year and a half left to go, and she is dead set against living in rural america, she is worried about being able to find a job. Now here are the downsides, it is a long drive to work about an hour and a half, my girl is dead set against living in the country, and she really loves the place I am in now. The place that I would be moving into is astonishing, and it is in a dry county but it is out of the city, and I could ditch my current roommate. So what do you guys think.
P.s. Did I mention my girl is a reforming liberal