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Posted: 5/24/2002 9:42:20 AM EDT
With a little William (I loathe the military)Jefferson Clinton throw'd in
Link Posted: 5/24/2002 10:31:24 AM EDT
"In 480 B.C., a handful of Spartans, under King Leonidas, resisted the Persians at Thermopylae long enough for the rest of Greece to prepare. The Spartans suffered a tactical defeat at Thermopylae, but, as a result of their efforts to hold the line, the Persian dream of world empire was forever defeated. So it was with Vietnam. We held the line for 15 years, giving the rest of the world the time to gain in economic and moral strength. In the end, fewer than 15 years after the Communist “victory” in Vietnam, the Communist dream of world domination, like the Persian dream before, was crushed and discredited."
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Molon Labe!

Link Posted: 5/24/2002 10:34:14 AM EDT
I am in a pitched battle with my wife to name our first son LEONIDAS.

"General, the enemy archers are so numerous that their arrows will blot out the son."

"Good, we shall fight in the shade."

What a man.
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