This is especially aimed at those in states that are in the balance, but it applies to all of you.
This November 2nd, ask yourself a question. Are you prepared to deal with john kerry as president? Are you prepared to have a socialist in office? Are you prepared to, at a moment's notice, either give up your guns, or lie to law enforcement, or fight in the streets? Are you willing to accept UN sovereignty over our country? Are you willing to accept the increase in taxes that comes with socialized medicine? Are you willing to accept someone who would open our borders? Are you willing to see a traitor sit in the Oval Office and defile our country and rape our constitution?
I realize that Bush has his problems. I know he supported the AWB. I know that he has done nothing to close our borders. I know that he is not very fiscally competent.
But I also know that this election is close. It is not in the bag. It is not guaranteed either way.
However, one thing that is guaranteed, is that this year, we will not have a Libertarian or Constitution president.
"One vote won't make a difference," you may say. But realize, thousands of others say that as well. Thousands of votes do make a difference.
Go ahead and vote third party congressional and local candidates. Lord knows we need more third party officials, and some of those seats could be won.
But for the sake of this country and its future, please vote Bush. I don't agree with him either, but I know that he is infinitely better than kerry. You know it too. We cannot afford to lose.
And remember, if you disagree with him, you may think that voting against him is punishing him, but it's really punishing this nation.