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Posted: 1/15/2009 6:28:08 AM EDT
I was in "Gun For Hire" yesterday and was surprised to hear from the owner that the NRA refused to let him run an ad in a publication because the powers that be, deemed it a little too controversial. The owners and operators of the business are LEO's and / or veterans and perform much needed training for gun owners and LEO community. I am not a salesperson nor will I be compensated for this post, but think the NRA needs to stop being so pussy-whipped and intimidated by the media.

Gun for Hire is a huge supporter of the NRA and is where I have taken all of my NRA Instructor training courses, in addition to other courses offered there. As a Life Member, I really think you guys need to do a better job of supporting the good guys further down the food chain then running nothing the feel good ads for some companies that produce or sell inferior or questionable products and might not be as 'honest' as they portray themselves to be.

Gun For Hire, Belleville, NJ

On a side note...Anthony will probably kick me in the nuts for posting this which was without his knowledge or approval.

Rant off...BTW, thanks for helping us to keep the NJ politicians under watch.
Link Posted: 1/15/2009 6:35:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/15/2009 6:40:23 AM EDT
While I don't doubt that this is a good group that does a very positive thing with it's courses, that website alone explains why the NRA probably didn't allow the add.

The front page looks like it's for a video game and not a professional training organization.

I agree...

The site does not look professional at all.

Add in the name, and it would be a lot of fodder for the Braby Bunch...not that they need it though.
Link Posted: 1/15/2009 6:44:16 AM EDT
Did you get past the first page?
Link Posted: 1/15/2009 6:49:02 AM EDT
Did you get past the first page?

No I didn't

But I wouldn't get past an ugly broad either...

First impressions and all.
Link Posted: 1/15/2009 6:50:17 AM EDT
While I don't doubt that this is a good group that does a very positive thing with it's courses, that website alone explains why the NRA probably didn't allow the add.

The front page looks like it's for a video game and not a professional training organization.

I agree...

The site does not look professional at all.

Add in the name, and it would be a lot of fodder for the Braby Bunch...not that they need it though.

I think all the "sexual enhancement" ads in the Rifleman are good fodder for the anti's . Perpetuating the stereotype that men own guns to make up for deficiencies "elsewhere"
Link Posted: 1/15/2009 6:53:06 AM EDT
While I don't doubt that this is a good group that does a very positive thing with it's courses, that website alone explains why the NRA probably didn't allow the add.

The front page looks like it's for a video game and not a professional training organization.

I agree...

The site does not look professional at all.

Add in the name, and it would be a lot of fodder for the Braby Bunch...not that they need it though.

I think all the "sexual enhancement" ads in the Rifleman are good fodder for the anti's . Perpetuating the stereotype that men own guns to make up for deficiencies "elsewhere"

Like I said, no that they need it...

BUT, that site can be construed to lure "children", and with the name Gun For Hire it sounds like it's advocating mercenaries...

That's all BS to me, but you get the idea.

ETA- Just playing Devils's advocate...the site didn't bother me in the least
Link Posted: 1/20/2009 1:08:57 PM EDT
Eh... I'll agree that the site doesn't strike me as the most professional; but given all the crap the NRA does accept advertising for, I think they have a legitimate complaint. I can certainly think of ads that I find in worse taste than this website.
Link Posted: 1/23/2009 6:31:14 AM EDT
I hear where you guys are coming from. But no matter how soft we do anything, the anti's are NEVER going to like it. So, we might want to stir the pot every once in a while. NJ Magazine did a feature piece on these guys (which is a liberal rag) and was very impressed with them.
Link Posted: 1/23/2009 7:14:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 9:40:01 AM EDT
That Guns For Hire website is odd.  The letter "i" lying on the ground bleeding is kind of creepy.
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