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Posted: 12/28/2006 6:24:17 PM EDT
Ok if this is your first pump you might not know this yet but for the guys on there second or more they know this. The worst part about coming back is after you get to base and trying to find your gear! You just want to get the fu$k out of there and spend time with your family or friends. Now what I'm going to tell you worked for me because only one other guy did it in my company and we had different colors.

You know how in the PX they have the bright orange or yellow fag straps that you have to wear when you go for PT! Get two or how ever many bags you have and then tie one end on a strap or something that is not doing to fall of then wrap it around your bag and buckle it up. This worked great for me don't give to many people this advice in your company or everyone will do it then your in the same boat. But when they lay out the sea bags and packs you can see yours a mile away even in the dark.

Take care and make it back safe!
Link Posted: 12/28/2006 9:52:02 PM EDT
good idea.

when my platoon went over we had different color tags and tied pieces of engineer tape to everything we had. since we were only 30 Marines, it was easy to find a redistribute our stuff.
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 1:12:37 AM EDT
In my company each platoon had its own color tags, that we all put our names on.  So each platoon just grabs their own bags, and then you go from there.  We did that on the way to Iraq, so hopefully people leave them on for the way home.
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:42:40 AM EDT
That's a good tip, one I learned the hard way on my first deployment.    I go to walmart or the BX/PX before I deploy and find some godawful colored bandannas, get three or four and tie them on all your handles and you can spot your gear a mile away.  That sea of identical duffel/A3 bags is not your friend!  
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 7:31:43 PM EDT

In my company each platoon had its own color tags, that we all put our names on.  So each platoon just grabs their own bags, and then you go from there.  We did that on the way to Iraq, so hopefully people leave them on for the way home.

We did something similar.  Each platoon had certain colors.  EX  White and yellow reflective for 1st.  Red and Yellow for 2nd.

And then each CO. had their own getup of colors.
Link Posted: 1/2/2007 3:55:07 PM EDT


In my company each platoon had its own color tags, that we all put our names on.  So each platoon just grabs their own bags, and then you go from there.  We did that on the way to Iraq, so hopefully people leave them on for the way home.

We did something similar.  Each platoon had certain colors.  EX  White and yellow reflective for 1st.  Red and Yellow for 2nd.

And then each CO. had their own getup of colors.
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