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Posted: 5/5/2004 5:37:05 AM EDT
I am just posting/hosting the pics.  It is not my pistol, and he will be along shortly to deal with questions, comments.




PS.  Pics are HUGE so I made them in to links....
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 5:38:52 AM EDT
I'll need a bigger picture first.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 5:39:03 AM EDT
It's a Single Action Colt Revolver in .38 WCF! (what do I win?)
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 5:41:37 AM EDT
Now that the obvious is out of the way, what's its serial number range?

1st gen, 2nd gen?
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 5:44:31 AM EDT
You or he can go to Colt's website and track it's history there.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 5:44:51 AM EDT
ive got it on good authority that it was retired Texas Ranger Jim Peters gun so im gonna have to track him down and ask him about it................

colt in .38 w.c.f., gold hammer and screws

serial # 167,6XX

and another thing that struck me as strange...................if you cock the gun, then decock the gun it goes back to the original shell

if anybody knows a value or anything further than what i know on this gun i'd appreciate hearing about it
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 6:04:24 AM EDT
not only that, where the hell would i find ammo for the damn thing?????
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 6:08:58 AM EDT
try this.....old western scrounger

eta: I think you can use 38-40 ammo...don't quote me.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 7:04:00 AM EDT
no such luck, i haven't been able to find shit for ammo, none of my distributors carry it or anything
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 7:07:15 AM EDT

no such luck, i haven't been able to find shit for ammo, none of my distributors carry it or anything

I'm not 100% sure I'd want to shoot it much anyway.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 7:14:20 AM EDT
ok, found something

38 Remington
38-40 Winchester
38 W.C.F.

all interchangable

oh come on, its been shot already so why not run a few through it for fun?
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 7:18:45 AM EDT
IIRC the SN puts it in the middle of the 1st-gen range. That should put it as being made sometime before 1920. I could easily be wrong. Colt won't publish their records online because they make a killing researching this stuff.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 8:02:09 AM EDT
well, best i can figure after a little research it was made sometime between 1896-1912 (and the fucker looks GREAT in that case)

furthermore, 38 w.c.f. was not a highly popular caliber, making it that more rare

also, if the gold is factory, which i'm guessing it is, then holy shit......................

where are all our colt SAA experts?
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 8:02:55 AM EDT

well, best i can figure after a little research it was made sometime between 1896-1912 (and the fucker looks GREAT in that case)

furthermore, 38 w.c.f. was not a highly popular caliber, making it that more rare

also, if the gold is factory, which i'm guessing it is, then holy shit......................

where are all our colt SAA experts?

Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:06:08 AM EDT

and another thing that struck me as strange...................if you cock the gun, then decock the gun it goes back to the original shell

This is a bad sign... DO NOT SHOOT IT!!! There's a good change the cylinder will not be lined up with the barrel when you pull the trigger.  Most likely the spring that snaps the locking bolt into the cutout in the cylinder is broken.  This causes the "hand" that rotates the cylinder to drag the cylinder in the reverse direction as the hand moves back to it's starting point.  Not a big deal to replace the spring.  I'd take it to a gunsmith familiar with the Colt SAA for replacement and a timing check.

There should be plenty of ammo and components out there due to cowboy shooting.  You'll just have to look.  

Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:11:28 AM EDT
Also, I doubt that finish is the original finish.  I bet it was redone at some point.  
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:11:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:17:04 AM EDT
That is the Colt Bling, Bling model. It sells great in the hood.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 10:42:23 AM EDT
Texas Rangers have never been known for their plain jane guns...................
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 11:16:03 AM EDT
Funny thing is even though it's marked "38" the bullet dia. is really .400". This ctg.(38/40Win.) was the .40S&W of it's day. Ballistics are the same. You can get brass from Starline and a few places even load factory ammo for it. People over on the SASS Wire could give you a butt load of help with it. Check them out, here's the link.
Hope this has been some help, talk to ya' later.
Link Posted: 5/5/2004 12:10:32 PM EDT

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and another thing that struck me as strange...................if you cock the gun, then decock the gun it goes back to the original shell


This is a bad sign... DO NOT SHOOT IT!!! There's a good change the cylinder will not be lined up with the barrel when you pull the trigger. Most likely the spring that snaps the locking bolt into the cutout in the cylinder is broken. This causes the "hand" that rotates the cylinder to drag the cylinder in the reverse direction as the hand moves back to it's starting point. Not a big deal to replace the spring. I'd take it to a gunsmith familiar with the Colt SAA for replacement and a timing check.

good call, you were right, the lock isn't fully engaging, must be a spring broke alright
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