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Posted: 3/28/2001 5:23:56 PM EDT
Give your views on the proposal.....states are actually concidering it.....(shades of kent st. univ.)...[heavy]
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 5:30:28 PM EDT
why kept in the trunk?  if to avoid having them used AGAINST the LEO, i guess i understand.  but that's kinda like having unarmed guards in school:  what's the point?
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 5:34:37 PM EDT
Thier reasoning is "response time" yet not to cause "uneccesary alarm" ...YOU figure it out! makes absolutely NO SENSE to ME!!!!!!![grenade]
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 5:41:34 PM EDT
Hum de dum de dum
Sounding good to me,
because I have a master key.
Link Posted: 3/28/2001 6:09:06 PM EDT
THE real question is....WHO`S GOT THE BULLETS?????........[uzi]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:27:00 AM EDT
Originally Posted By black&green:
THE real question is....WHO`S GOT THE BULLETS?????........[uzi]
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Barney has one in his shirt pocket.[:D]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:34:16 AM EDT
I could only agree to this if the rifle comes with at least one beta c, and ten or more 30's.

An ACOG would also be nice!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 12:54:06 AM EDT
If they use them to stop all the underage
drinking I think its a good idea.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 1:09:26 AM EDT
i think this is a realy poor, slow reaction to some major news making shootouts. campus police are not much more than mall ninja, give him a rifle and we will have real problems.
spend the same money on a real pro police presents and you will get more for your money.
can you see campus police trying to repell out of their headquaters second story window in a hot mode responding to a beer party? now throw in your kid as a party rat trying to get a beer under age. and some ash h0le with a paint ball gun... a shoot out ... and kids are dead...
the media is driving our reactions to many things, and campus violence rings real high with the reactionary libbs...pat
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 1:24:38 AM EDT
An AR, SKS or any long gun/carbine would have served the sherrif's deputy who traded fire with one the shooters at Columbine instead of his sidearm..... even a Ruger 10/22 would have been more effective that fateful day.

How much longer should we stand by and watch innocent kids die in schools?  The most recent cowardly shooter was stopped by a well prepared SRO (School Resource Officer) who was in the right place at the right time.  No one lost their life at Granite High School that day but most certainly would have had this officer not been on duty.... 'nuff said!

Whatever works and whatever is available... what's that saying - A bird in the hand....?

The Sniper
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 2:11:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 2:48:15 AM EDT
One of my buddies in college was stealing some stuff on campus, Campus Police saw him and told him to freeze. In the dark, he just laughed and ran away, he thought they were not issued weapons.
Next day, he couldn't believe how stupid he had been, one Barney Fife could have ended his life.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 3:12:55 AM EDT
every police car should have an AR and shotgun.  I was amazed to find that some city departments don't.  When I was growing up in Indiana I had two neighbors who were sheriffs and that had rolling gun stores in their trunks.
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 3:49:18 AM EDT
Originally Posted By garden weasel:
Hum de dum de dum
Sounding good to me,
because I have a master key.
View Quote

Master Key? I love it, you make me proud of real Americans!
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 4:21:18 AM EDT
The 'SWAT' team at Columbine could have been armed with anything in the world, but unless they actually went in forcefully (as they did in Santee, CA), it wouldn't have mattered.

Trading a few shots(?) and their presence may have convinced H. and K. ([i]no names, please[/i]) to off themselves, so they did contribute [i]something[/i] to the final outcome of the situation.

Course, I've never been in a similar situation, so it's easy for me to say that personal safety considerations would have been the [i]last[/i] thing on my mind that day, 'cause there was someone inside the school [b]shooting kids[/b]!

Hey, but that's just my opnion, I could be wrong!

Eric The Hun[>]:)]
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 4:22:48 AM EDT
Originally Posted By black&green:
Give your views on the proposal.....states are actually concidering it.....(shades of kent st. univ.)...[heavy]
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What states? Can you site a source for this?
Link Posted: 3/29/2001 4:37:11 AM EDT
Guns at school?!?! we should not allow guns at school!  None of our children are commiting terrible crimes that need this type of security!  Oh...wait a minute....
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