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Posted: 10/23/2016 1:31:08 AM EDT
AT&T's $85.4 billion purchase of Time Warner represents a new bet on synergy between companies that distribute information and entertainment to consumers and those that produce it.

The acquisition would combine a telecom giant that owns a leading cellphone business, DirecTV and an internet service with the company behind HBO, CNN, and some of the world's most popular entertainment, including "Game of Thrones," the "Harry Potter" franchise and professional basketball. It's the latest big media acquisition by a major cable or phone company — such as Comcast's 2011 purchase of NBC Universal — and aimed at shoring up businesses upended by the internet.

Regulators would have to sign off on the deal, no certain thing. The prospect of another media giant on the horizon has already drawn fire on the campaign trail. Speaking in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed to kill it if elected because it concentrates too much "power in the hands of too few."
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Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:34:16 AM EDT

AT&T was broken up once.

Why wouldn't they do the same shit again?
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 1:37:08 AM EDT
It'd be hilarious if they went in to CNN and cleaned out all the liberals, disinfected the place and made a Conservative News Network.

The SJWs would just howl!  

Link Posted: 10/23/2016 3:48:42 PM EDT
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AT&T was broken up once.

Why wouldn't they do the same shit again?  
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Because the breakup was all a plan to get rid of Bell Labs and Western Electric before they sucked AT&T dry financially.  Both divisions were faced with large retirement costs coming due with the aging of its baby boomer workforce while electronics manufacturing in the US was becoming less and less profitable.  The handwriting was on the wall for the end of the US electronics industry and both were going to be unbearable drags to AT&T's bottom line by 2001.

Since the breakup, Bell Labs ended up being owned by several corporations and is currently a part of Nokia.  Western Electric rebranded as Lucent, has shrunk dramatically and ultimately the remains were acquired by Alcatel.
Link Posted: 10/23/2016 4:05:12 PM EDT
Here is a copy and paste from the new WikiLeaks #16 dump about AT&T....

John Podesta met with CEO of AT&T,

Re: introduction

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 2015-06-27 19:56
Subject: Re: introduction

I look forward to visiting with you. I would love to give Sec Clinton an opportunity to address the CEO community in whatever manner is comfortable to her. Let me know a convenient time, and I will coordinate a call with your office.

Safe travels.

TEXTING & DRIVING ... It can wait.

> On Jun 27, 2015, at 2:19 PM, Glenn Hutchins <[email protected]> wrote:
> Randall: I would like to (re)introduce you to my friend, John Podesta, who chairs Hillary Clinton's campaign. I have told John that you would like to speak to him to discuss inviting HRC to the Business Roundtable meetings in DC in September. John is traveling in China at the moment so maybe a little hard to reach. Your can contact him at the email address above or through his office ((202) 481-88)
> John: Thank your for doing this. Randall is a world-class CEO and even better person. You will enjoy getting to know him. He can be reached at the email above or through his office (+1 (214) 757-0). Travel safely.
> Glenn Hutchins
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