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Posted: 8/15/2007 10:24:36 PM EDT
So here I am, sitting in the pumper doing "firewatch".

We had an apartment fire downtown, and I am stuck here until 3am securing the scene and watching for rekindles.  Joy.

Thank goodness it is a WIFI hotspot.  
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:38:45 PM EDT
in other news a devestating downtown fire somehow rekindled after the fireman assigned to watch the site decided to surf the web instead. A search of the fireman's home revealed stockpiles of ammunition and firearms. He is currently in custody, but no charges have been filed.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:45:20 PM EDT

in other news a devestating downtown fire somehow rekindled after the fireman assigned to watch the site decided to surf the web instead. A search of the fireman's home revealed stockpiles of ammunition and firearms. He is currently in custody, but no charges have been filed.

Quoted for truth

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 10:56:14 PM EDT
Holy crap!

It made the news already?  

We are taking turns watching this burnt chair.  Its about 80 and wet inside.

Firewatch is to keep folks out and preserve evidence.  The investigators have been and gone, so we are keeping an eye on the front door.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 12:26:33 AM EDT
We have wireless broadband in the engines for the mobiles, gotta love it.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 12:38:37 AM EDT
In our department a "WiFi" is what a guy is married to.

In a few cases some of the girlz as well

ETA - reminds me of the time another FF and I got called at around 0030 for a telephone pole on fire during a storm. The rain put out most of the active flame, but there were still embers. After notifying the PoCo (after waiting on hold for 55+ minutes through the normal queue) We sat on "pole watch" until it was daylight waiting for the PoCo to arrive.

Classic quote from call center: "If you don't have a pole number, how will we know where to find you?"

Smartass Tango7 @ 0-dark early: "Just have your guy look for the Big Red Truck with the red and white flashing lights... We're rather distinctive"

Finally it was light enough we couldn't tell if it was still glowing or not, so we called our Lt.

He asked "Do you see it glowing anymore?"

My partner (Sr. guy) "Nope".

Lt: Well, c'mon home. If the PoCo needs us, they can call us.

Damn near 6 hours wedged in an engine. I feel you Bro.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 12:45:53 AM EDT
Wireless internet kicks ass. I don't know how I ever got along without it.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 7:08:07 AM EDT
Damn, that just sucked.

Made it back to the house at 0323.

Asleep near four, I slept right through wake up call.  I awoke when my relief walked into my room with his duty bag.

Came home and slept some more.  Now I'm gonna make some Greek Salad, and some Beer butt Chicken for dinner.
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