I need to ask a Mod for permission to let loose on this topic:
ah hell I am gonna post anyways...
Alabama has ..... no, Birmingham has some of the most daredevil drivers I have seen next to ATL.
Montgomery is not half as bad, BUT I would say that 80% of car drivers have a total disregard for other motorist, bikes and even pedestrians.
IS 10 minutes out of ones day REALLY that big of a deal? Hell I take a crap for that long.
running 10 over the limit for 5-10 miles is gonna save you 10-30 seconds.... A ticket or a crash is gonna cost you atleast 15 minutes, more for a crash. What about the citation? How about an insurance increase for 3 years? Oh, and what about if you drove the speed limit or 5 over, how much gas money could you save?
Lets look at some figures:
I drive 70 mph for 10 hours = 700 miles
I drive 80 for 10 hours = 800 miles, I get one ticket and that hour to 1.50 hours was just lost, and all the $ involved just shot it to hell.
Speeding is worthless any way you cut it for most people.. like I said 10-30 seconds of time gained is shit!
Tailgating is an assault.
Turn signals are SUPPOSED to be the law, not to mention it does keep other informed on what you intentions are, so please use them. BTW, it is signal ahead of your turn, lane change or brake then turn It is not an "all one motion" event.
Someone posted "it took me an extra ten minutes to get to work", cry me a fucking river, leave the house sooner. If you drop the kids off for school, take them 10 minutes sooner. If you have kids in your car and driving like an asshole, I sure as hell aint gonna crash my truck into a ditch and die because you have no value to your childs life, YOU are coming with me.
Most people here are gun nuts, as I myself am, If I handled my firearms like you people drove, that retard in VT would look like a saint. 42,642 people died in traffic crashes in '06
Link here) divide that by 365 days you get a hair shy of 117 people A DAY are killed by a vehicle... feeling lucky today? Is driving like an asshar wrth it? I doubt it, I'd like to die a different way, maybe defending our Constitution, or similar.
Please people do not drive like you are Mario, or Dale Jr. Others are on the roads with you.
This is coming from someone who drives over 125,000 miles a year, and I maintain a 64mph avg. wherever I go ( 80,000 lb rig), and I can make some disance at that average.
Just slow down an bit and think of all the fun things you can do when you get out of that cage.
ANd to our AL. LEOs.... dish 'em out left and right... give em two if they have a passenger in the vehicle