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Posted: 4/22/2007 2:53:15 PM EDT
One of their latest headlines on the abc news web site about the VT shooting reads "Ammo from eBay". Then in the story they state that the shooter bought two ammunition clips from eBay and states the name of the person he bought them from. They later refer to the clips as "ammunition" which of course they are not. No where does it physically state that he purchased bullets from eBay which I thought was impossible. Just venting some steam.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 3:20:41 PM EDT
The mainstream media only knows two things about guns:

They don't like them and you shouldn't be able to own them.

Link Posted: 4/22/2007 3:22:41 PM EDT
Come on ya think. Idiots???? No way. I don't believe you.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 3:24:01 PM EDT
Their research on anything of a technical nature is usually impeccable, so I am shocked at this development.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 3:26:09 PM EDT
so why watch it?

i refuse to watch any news.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 4:38:47 PM EDT
On tonight's news, they profiled Scotland, claiming that there hadn't been any school shootings since a handgun ban was enacted about 11 years ago.

What they didn't mention was the April 26, 2002 attack in Erfurt, Germany (19 year old expelled student shot and killed 13 teachers, two students and a police officer)...

...or the September, 2004 attack in Suzhou, China (man with a knife and homemade explosives attacked 28 children at a kindergarten)...

...or the June 8, 2001 attack in Ikeda, Osaka, Japan (intruder stabbed 13 elementary school students and 2 teachers)....

...or the November 26, 2004 attack in Ruzhou, China (intruder stabbed eight students to death and injured four others at Ruzhou's Number Two High School -  The sixth such incident in China in four months)...

...or the September 28, 2004 attack in Carmen de Patagones, Argentina (15-year-old boy fatally shot 3 classmates, wounded 5 others)...

...all of which occurred in countries which either strongly discourage civilian gun ownership, or ban it entirely.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 6:33:27 PM EDT
On tonight's news, they profiled Scotland, claiming that there hadn't been any school shootings since a handgun ban was enacted about 11 years ago.

What they didn't mention was the April 26, 2002 attack in Erfurt, Germany (19 year old expelled student shot and killed 13 teachers, two students and a police officer)...

...or the September, 2004 attack in Suzhou, China (man with a knife and homemade explosives attacked 28 children at a kindergarten)...

...or the June 8, 2001 attack in Ikeda, Osaka, Japan (intruder stabbed 13 elementary school students and 2 teachers)....

...or the November 26, 2004 attack in Ruzhou, China (intruder stabbed eight students to death and injured four others at Ruzhou's Number Two High School -  The sixth such incident in China in four months)...

...or the September 28, 2004 attack in Carmen de Patagones, Argentina (15-year-old boy fatally shot 3 classmates, wounded 5 others)...

...all of which occurred in countries which either strongly discourage civilian gun ownership, or ban it entirely.

We only hear what they want us think.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 6:39:29 PM EDT
Journalists are dumb and pushing an agenda?

Well, I'm shocked.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 6:40:48 PM EDT

On tonight's news, they profiled Scotland, claiming that there hadn't been any school shootings since a handgun ban was enacted about 11 years ago.

What they didn't mention was the April 26, 2002 attack in Erfurt, Germany (19 year old expelled student shot and killed 13 teachers, two students and a police officer)...

...or the September, 2004 attack in Suzhou, China (man with a knife and homemade explosives attacked 28 children at a kindergarten)...

...or the June 8, 2001 attack in Ikeda, Osaka, Japan (intruder stabbed 13 elementary school students and 2 teachers)....

...or the November 26, 2004 attack in Ruzhou, China (intruder stabbed eight students to death and injured four others at Ruzhou's Number Two High School -  The sixth such incident in China in four months)...

...or the September 28, 2004 attack in Carmen de Patagones, Argentina (15-year-old boy fatally shot 3 classmates, wounded 5 others)...

...all of which occurred in countries which either strongly discourage civilian gun ownership, or ban it entirely.

Maybe knives should be banned. Govment should also start knife buy back program
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 6:46:34 PM EDT
I have heard this on Fox news all day long!
WTF is a "Magazine Clip" is it like a  Automobile Car?

Or did they just use the two terms so no one idiot gets counfused?

Damn I wish they would use CORRECT terms!!
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 6:54:37 PM EDT

Maybe knives should be banned. Govment should also start knife buy back program

They already are - interestingly enough, in Scotland (among other countries):

Knife amnesty success
by Sarah Lay

Attacks in towns across North Aberdeenshire have been significantly reduced since the launch of the Evening Express Bin the Blade weapons amnesty, part of the Safer Scotland campaign.

Launched last year, the amnesty has resulted in the recovery of more than 40 knives, with police officers seizing a further 20 since October.

The campaign allows people to leave their weapons in specially designed containers at police stations in the region.

The range of weapons recovered stretches from penknives to small swords - with some of the haul put on display at Peterhead police station.

Co-ordinating officer Gordon Farman said: "We are delighted with these results. The idea is that people could surrender their knives, place them in these drums and no questions would be asked."

The campaign has also lead to a significant drop in the amount of violent crimes committed with weapons.

Gordon Farman added: "During the last quarter of 2000, there was one serious assault, compared to five a year before.

"This is very encouraging. Not only has the number of assaults involving knives been reduced, but 60 blades have been taken off the streets."
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 7:01:08 PM EDT


Maybe knives should be banned. Govment should also start knife buy back program

They already are - interestingly enough, in Scotland (among other countries):

Knife amnesty success
by Sarah Lay

Attacks in towns across North Aberdeenshire have been significantly reduced since the launch of the Evening Express Bin the Blade weapons amnesty, part of the Safer Scotland campaign.

Launched last year, the amnesty has resulted in the recovery of more than 40 knives, with police officers seizing a further 20 since October.

The campaign allows people to leave their weapons in specially designed containers at police stations in the region.

The range of weapons recovered stretches from penknives to small swords - with some of the haul put on display at Peterhead police station.

Co-ordinating officer Gordon Farman said: "We are delighted with these results. The idea is that people could surrender their knives, place them in these drums and no questions would be asked."

The campaign has also lead to a significant drop in the amount of violent crimes committed with weapons.

Gordon Farman added: "During the last quarter of 2000, there was one serious assault, compared to five a year before.

"This is very encouraging. Not only has the number of assaults involving knives been reduced, but 60 blades have been taken off the streets."

Crap I was only kidding. Next they'll be banning sticks and rocks or maybe hammers.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 7:04:26 PM EDT
What really bothers me about the newscaster information atrocities is that there are hundreds of thousands of prople out there just drinking it all in as the gospel truth.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 7:07:43 PM EDT
Guess they forgot about Rawanda,Dafur and the rest of Africa where the unarmed are murdered daily for fun and profit.
Link Posted: 4/22/2007 7:23:51 PM EDT

Link Posted: 4/22/2007 7:32:24 PM EDT
 The day that the media types start to use correct nomenclature,
magazines for clips
cartridges for bullets and all the rest,
I'll start becoming scared, because they'll start to sound like thery're making sense.
I like it just the way it is right now.
They don't have a clue.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 12:24:18 AM EDT
"This is very encouraging. Not only has the number of assaults involving knives been reduced, but 60 blades have been taken off the streets."

I'll bet in any major city the cops get more than that on a single Saturday night.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 12:34:18 AM EDT
I no longer rely on TV for news i get it here. I am tired of all of the fucking bullshit that is directed torwords the dumb fucking people we share this country with.The stupidity on tv makes me want to put a fucking bullet in my head. What bothers me the most is the stupid fucking people that buy everything they see on TV. Every fucking body who has a brain knows you cannot buy ammo on Ebay. you cant even fucking buy a gun part without the risk of getting your paypal account locked.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 1:58:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 2:28:55 AM EDT

The mainstream media only knows two things about guns:

They don't like them and you shouldn't be able to own them.

Link Posted: 4/23/2007 3:36:40 AM EDT
It's certainly not limited to ABC
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 7:04:48 AM EDT
If you think the evening news is bad, try watching 60 Minutes.  

The whole program is either agenda based or a puff piece for some has been entertainer.  
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 7:11:27 AM EDT
Since when does ABC news have anything to do with facts?  I'm pretty sure the two things are mutually exclusive.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 7:16:33 AM EDT

ABC News has a lot of idiots

in other news, water is wet and fire burns
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 7:40:46 AM EDT
Media types think that magazines errrrrrrrr "clips" come preloaded when you buy them
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 7:43:21 AM EDT
Just remember that before cable TV, we only had 3 networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS. They were all liberal and controlled carefully what news we heard.

Thank God we have the Fox News Channel today.
Link Posted: 4/23/2007 7:52:15 AM EDT
Scotland only has a population of around 5.1 million people, and a MUCH higher percentage of people with nationalistic views. It's easier for people to become isolated in our country and slip through the cracks.

Link Posted: 4/23/2007 8:03:33 AM EDT

Media types think that magazines errrrrrrrr "clips" come preloaded when you buy them

I think this is actually the case, they do not think "clips" are reloadable and you buy them with ammo in them then throw them away. This is actually true for actual military clips like the 10 round strippers for M-16 magazines. The military does not reuse them (but we do).

I remember Feinstein speaking about imported pre-ban mags during the ban saying that she though all the magazines should of been "used up" by then. Indicating she believed they could not be reloaded.
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