I'll be spending my New Years day at a hotel with all the other poor bastards who are shipping on the 2nd. Fun.
I'm nervous now, kind of like going to the doctors to get a shot. I know the Drill Seargents wont be nice to us like the first time through (WSU ROTC, nine weeks in 1997) and they will do their utmost to be a singularly unpleasant shock to us upon arrival. I dont wish to be shocked, or noticed, I've been associated with the training end of the military since I started college seven years ago and now I'm finaly "going down the tube".
Somehow my nightly mile run and workout seems to be not nearly enough. Shouldnt have eaten as much as I did at the Mother in Laws last week. Shouldnt have let pop make me dinner (he was a DI though back in the stone ages). I feel competent, I'm ready for fourteen weeks (nine Basic, five AIT) away from home, away from the wife and the family. What I will miss the most is quiet and creative time.
Time shooting what I want to shoot, when I want to shoot, how I want to shoot, WHERE I want to shoot.
Time to read a novel, time to take a nap, or perfect a wargame scenario.
I wish I could skip the first three weeks of Basic as I've already been over, and over, and over again what they will teach us, and get right to the interesting stuff.
In '97 my platoon (First Squad, First Platoon, Charley Company, 46th Mechanized Infantry) was the best in the whole training camp, best at drill, best diciplined, best PFT scores, best range scores. Our guidon looked like a wooly Christmas tree. How can a mixed bunch of enlistees possibly compare to that? A bunch of kids who havnt been away from home, havnt been out in the world (real or college), and dont know how to handle themselves under pressure? I wouldnt worry about it so much, but I dont want to get smoked for their ill-behavior. I want to please and impress my Drills, I want to make them look good, and make them proud of us as their recruits...
So much uncertainty.
Havnt even been able to sleep much lately, between the wife and the old man someone is always ringing me out of bed or waking me up an hour too soon...even now with three days left I've got people dragging me here and there. Trying to squeeze the last bit of my time....
Ugh. I wish I'd just ship already....