Please, do me a favor and keep a good thought for my older brother, who is a USAF M/Sgt, currently stationed at Misawa AB, Japan. He was less than 100 miles from the epicenter of the big earthquake this past spring, and according to Fox, this one was off the coast of Honshu, the island on which Misawa AB is located.
I was stationed at Misawa '76-'79.
Remember folks, Japan has earthquakes allll the time, every day, somewhere. I remember getting a warning on AFN for a 6 inch tsunami after a 6.8, of which we had at least two while I was there.
Not every earthquake results in a tsunami, and the country is actually better prepared than you can imagine for a "normal" eathquake. The quake this spring was huge.
Just looked at the earthquake map/locater thingy, and this quake was actually closer than the March quake, nearer to Hachinohe, 18 road miles from Misawa.
All will be well, though I do wish him well.
In what branch is he serving? When I was there, all branches were represented, plus JASDF.