Post from Emoto -
So, explain to me how this works. Free speech is allowed if you agree with what is being said, and not allowed if you disagree?
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Nothing about 'speech' in an action such as burning an American Flag!
Nothing. But the US Supreme Court says there is, so, for now, there is!
Although I completely disagree with burning the flag, I think that restricting freedom of speech is even worse.
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[b]Pshaw! Pshaw![/b]
About the time I left Louisiana for Texas, the Louisiana Legislature was considering a bill that would permit a defense to the charge of simple battery?
The defense? That the victim was burning or attempting to burn the US Flag at the time of the battery!
I don't know if it ever passed, but it should have!
Eric The(Meanwhile....)Hun[>]:)]
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speech ( P ) Pronunciation Key (spch)
The faculty or act of speaking.
The faculty or act of expressing or describing thoughts, feelings, or perceptions by the articulation of words.
Something spoken; an utterance.
Vocal communication; conversation.
A talk or public address: “The best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance” (Ruth Gordon).
A printed copy of such an address.
One's habitual manner or style of speaking.
The language or dialect of a nation or region: American speech.
The sounding of a musical instrument.
The study of oral communication, speech sounds, and vocal physiology.
Archaic. Rumor.