Quote History Holy shit! That had to be a few horrifying final moments.
That being said, I wonder how many people riding on top or with their arms hooked through the windows dangling off the side of the bus have not been counted in the final tally of persons dead...years ago, riding in a small bus up the side of a mountainous road in the back of beyond in Ecuador, I saw some crazy risks taken by the locals, of whom THREE "rode" the outside on the side that left their feet dangling over a vertiginous drop of crazy depths. Half the time, the buses TIRES on that side were easily a 1/4 inch off the "road" on NOTHING. I was only marginally reassured by the fact that the other side had twice as many outside hangers-on, presumably for the counterbalancing effects.
ETA...seems quite a few other folks on here have had the same third-world busride experience I had! (Lol, but not really, since this particular busful of people died. It is not really funny. Sad, but unsurprising, would be more like it. And like another poster said, when you got to your destination after one of those terrifying rides, you were just thankful YOUR bus made it and the fickle fates were distracted by something else at the time. It made me thankful to get back to the US and all the stuff I had previously taken for granted in one piece!)