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Posted: 1/20/2001 11:02:48 PM EDT
I've decided to get a 37mm launcher for one of my guns.  I plan on mounting it to a standard profile barrel.  I know that Bushmaster carries one, as does ECT (Cobray).  The price works out to be same if you include the handguard, so I was wondering which is better.  Does anyone else make a decent one?  This has probably been covered many times before, but since I can't search the old posts.....
Link Posted: 1/20/2001 11:57:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2001 1:51:28 AM EDT
37mm launchers can be made to look alot better on the rifle, like this,closer mounting hardware and cover panels on the sides[img]images.honesty.com/imagedata/3/3/4/13534334.jpg[/img]
Link Posted: 1/21/2001 10:21:52 AM EDT
Does anyone make a functional copy that looks/mounts exactly like the M203?
Link Posted: 1/21/2001 12:18:24 PM EDT
yes,the only option for a exact copy thats functional is to get a REAL m203 reciever with a 37mm barrel. but it runs around $1800! no big paperwork if it has a 37mm barrel, you have to pay the tax stamp and register as a destructive device if you put on a 40mm barrel. look here, http://40mm.simplenet.com/
Link Posted: 1/21/2001 1:48:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/21/2001 3:32:55 PM EDT
yeah they have no real pratical purpose but they are really neat to lob bird bombs at stray animals vs. splattering em all over the yard and having to clean up the mess. same thing for the RAS unit,neat but not alot of practical useage per dollar.
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