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Posted: 12/31/2006 10:53:23 PM EDT

Poll: Americans See Gloom, Doom in 2007
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Dec 31, 7:12 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Another terrorist attack, a warmer planet, death and destruction from a natural disaster. These are among Americans' grim predictions for the United States in 2007.

But on a brighter note, only a minority of people think the U.S. will go to war with Iran or North Korea over the countries' nuclear ambitions. An overwhelming majority thinks Congress will raise the federal minimum wage. A third sees hope for a cure to cancer.

These are among the findings of an Associated Press-AOL News poll that asked Americans to gaze into their crystal balls and contemplate what 2007 holds for the country.

Six in 10 people think the U.S. will be the victim of another terrorist attack next year, more than five years after the Sept. 11 assault on New York and Washington. An identical percentage think it is likely that bad guys will unleash a biological or nuclear weapon elsewhere in the world.

There is plenty of gloom to accompany all of that doom.

Seventy percent of Americans predict another major natural disaster within the United States and an equal percentage expect worsening global warming. Fewer than one-third of people, or 29 percent, think it is likely that the U.S. will withdraw its troops from Iraq.

Among other predictions for the U.S. in 2007:

- Slightly more than one-third, or 35 percent, of Americans predict the military draft will be reinstated.

- One in four, 25 percent, anticipates the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The telephone poll of 1,000 adults was conducted Dec. 12-14 by Ipsos, an international polling firm. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus three percentage points.

Belief in another terrorist attack also seems to be strong. What say Arfcom? Is Jesus coming back this year?
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 10:55:01 PM EDT
Probably not, mostly because I think He's forsaken us, and with good reason.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 10:56:42 PM EDT

Probably not, mostly because I think He's forsaken us, and with good reason.

If I was God, I would say "Alright Angels... It's about time to start new. Oh and Satan, go to hell."
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 10:57:48 PM EDT
Jesus has been coming back every year since 1997.

Everyone who goes "OMG IT'S TEH END" need to be lined up against a wall and shot. It's gone beyond cliché. Now it's like some horrid bad joke the damn comedian won't stop telling even though the audience is firing fruit flechettes at him.

Disclaimer: I'm a Christian. I'm also sane. Get over yourselves. "Wars and rumors of wars" don't any of you even know your history. This is about as peaceful as it's ever been; far from horrid warfare around every corner. You just notice more because of mass media.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 10:59:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 10:59:13 PM EDT
Jesus is comming back when pigs fly. And not from the nuclear blast!
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 10:59:56 PM EDT
Barring any unforseen events, I don't think he'll come in 2007.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:00:25 PM EDT
25% think we never went to the moon.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:01:23 PM EDT

Jesus has been coming back every year since 1997.

Everyone who goes "OMG IT'S TEH END" need to be lined up against a wall and shot. It's gone beyond cliché. Now it's like some horrid bad joke the damn comedian won't stop telling even though the audience is firing fruit flechettes at him.

Disclaimer: I'm a Christian. I'm also sane. Get over yourselves. "Wars and rumors of wars" don't any of you even know your history. This is about as peaceful as it's ever been; far from horrid warfare around every corner. You just notice more because of mass media.

Your right... this kind of stuff has been said since the Days of Jesus. The Disciples and followers thought he was coming back right away.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:02:06 PM EDT
I doubt it.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:02:31 PM EDT

25% think we never went to the moon.

And that America is the great Satan and we all should protest at US Soldiers Funerals too. The Clowns
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:04:33 PM EDT
I have to wonder about the validity of that statistic (and indeed almost all).  I think it would be hard to find 1 out of 4 people that truly believed Jesus was coming back this year...
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:06:35 PM EDT
What's to wonder?  According to the truth that is South Park a quarter of the population is retarded anyway...
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:08:29 PM EDT

Jesus has been coming back every year since 0097.

Everyone who goes "OMG IT'S TEH END" need to be lined up against a wall and shot. It's gone beyond cliché. Now it's like some horrid bad joke the damn comedian won't stop telling even though the audience is firing fruit flechettes at him.

Disclaimer: I'm a Christian. I'm also sane. Get over yourselves. "Wars and rumors of wars" don't any of you even know your history. This is about as peaceful as it's ever been; far from horrid warfare around every corner. You just notice more because of mass media.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:18:14 PM EDT
who is this man of which you speak?
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:25:23 PM EDT
If Jesus was gonna come back I think 1945 would have been the year.

More people were killed in 1945 than in any other year of recorded human history.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:29:56 PM EDT

If Jesus was gonna come back I think 1945 would have been the year.

More people were killed in 1945 than in any other year of recorded human history.

Good point.  If he does come back I have complete faith that the BATFE will no tolerate any of his tax evasive water into wine shenanigans...
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:32:08 PM EDT

If Jesus was gonna come back I think 1945 would have been the year.

More people were killed in 1945 than in any other year of recorded human history.

Amen. I have to wonder if there were people shitting themselves over Christ returning any second back in WWII and we just don't hear about it, or if Christians have really become that psycho in the intervening years.

The end of 1999 made me sick... it seemed like every preacher out there was harping on how God was punishing us for our wrongs, lalala, this Y2K thing was God's will and I better make sure I'm right with God RIGHT NOW 'cause I'm gonna be caught up in the rapture at midnight.

I gave them my middle finger and slept like a baby with my girlfriend at the time as the year turned over. Woke up and the lights were still working and rather than heaven, Galveston was still out the window. WHO'S RIGHT NOW, SUCKERS? That's right, realistic me. Sadly, it seems none of them lost their audiences and they've been content to have a new unassailable prediction for Armageddon every year since.

Make the rest of us look like idiots by association.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:34:55 PM EDT
Thats a bullshit fake question.

I promise you the question was given to people as "Do you think Jesus will come back" not specifically in 2007.

How many people do you know?  Do you know anyone thats said that because statistically unless your a social retard 1/4 of your friends believe that.

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:35:31 PM EDT

25% think we never went to the moon.

There's probably a good-sized overlap between that 25% and the 25% mentioned in the thread title.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:40:04 PM EDT


25% think we never went to the moon.

There's probably a good-sized overlap between that 25% and the 25% mentioned in the thread title.

I also think it's the same 25% who don't have jobs and have time to particpate in opinion polls all day long.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:42:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:44:51 PM EDT


25% think we never went to the moon.

50% voted for Pelosi for Speaker.

That just says it all.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:45:44 PM EDT
If He does, I'm not worried. If the Word is true, and I beleive it is, then my place in eternity is promised. If it's all a lie, which I don't believe it to be, then I'd imagine I won't care since I'll just fade into unconsciousness for all of eternity.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:50:11 PM EDT
Great News for these guys who also predicted 2000 was gonna be THE year!

Send your love gift now! (you don't want to be left out!)

Be a partner!

This IS the YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(In actuality 2000 was a record setting year for fundraising because of the "prophesizing" and hysteria surrounding Y2K)

Link Posted: 12/31/2006 11:51:31 PM EDT

If He does, I'm not worried. If the Word is true, and I beleive it is, then my place in eternity is promised. If it's all a lie, which I don't believe it to be, then I'd imagine I won't care since I'll just fade into unconsciousness for all of eternity.

I wish I could subscribe to Pascals Wager.

Problem is too much of Christianity is simply incompatible with my personal beliefs and views for me to devote my life to an "afterlife" that in all likelyhood doesn't exist.

It seems far more likely that we are nothing more than the produce of a complex and advanced brain and once that brain ceases to function so will we cease to be.

I wish it were otherwise, but I don't think it is.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 12:02:42 AM EDT
He never left.  
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 5:46:01 AM EDT
Don't fuck with thee jesus, man!

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 5:52:34 AM EDT
I'm betting the ranch he doesn't show in 2007
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:00:34 AM EDT
Nope. Seven years after the hildabeast is elected.

Come on people, keep it straight. Here is your timeline.
First through either hook or crook, hitlary is elected POTUS in 08
Second comes the tribulation.
Third, seven years later is the Second coming.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:03:52 AM EDT
Jesus?  You mean that Mexican guy who used to cut our lawn?  I think they deported him last month, but yeah, he'll probably be back in 2007...  
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:11:16 AM EDT
Nope. Seven years after the hildabeast is elected.

Come on people, keep it straight. Here is your timeline.
First through either hook or crook, hitlary is elected POTUS in 08
Second comes the tribulation.
Third, seven years later is the Second coming.


I don't know about the hildabeast, but if your follow the Dispensationalist theology as espoused by the Left Behind series there will be a seven-year period of Tribulation which will precede the Second Coming of Christ. The Tribulation period begins with a seven-tear treaty being signed between the EU (reincarnated Roman Empire) and Israel.

A treaty similar to that has already been signed and goes into effect TODAY. Google European Neighborhood Policy and read about it for yourselves. Is today the start of the Tribulation? Israel has signed many treaties during her time but the seven-year time period of this treaty should give all believers pause....
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:16:05 AM EDT

Jesus?  You mean that Mexican guy who used to cut our lawn?  I think they deported him last month, but yeah, he'll probably be back in 2007...  

Holy crap!  I wasn't expecting that...

Jesus CHRIST on the other hand will NOT be back in 2007.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:38:39 AM EDT

Probably not, mostly because I think He's forsaken us, and with good reason.

How sad that you would fall for this lie.

Hebrews 13:5  ...for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

He's coming back.  Maybe in 2007, maybe not.  But He's coming.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:41:14 AM EDT


If He does, I'm not worried. If the Word is true, and I beleive it is, then my place in eternity is promised. If it's all a lie, which I don't believe it to be, then I'd imagine I won't care since I'll just fade into unconsciousness for all of eternity.

I wish I could subscribe to Pascals Wager.

Problem is too much of Christianity is simply incompatible with my personal beliefs and views for me to devote my life to an "afterlife" that in all likelyhood doesn't exist.

It seems far more likely that we are nothing more than the produce of a complex and advanced brain and once that brain ceases to function so will we cease to be.

I wish it were otherwise, but I don't think it is.

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:48:51 AM EDT

 There are alot of people that dont want to believe because they enjoy doing the things that are sins in the bible.  Like most of us do.  But deep down, I think most people really DO believe. The world is just to beautiful and full of amazing things to think that the whole thing was some freak accident of  science.  Go outside and feel the warm sun on your face. Listen to the birds sing. The wind blowing threw the tree's.

     Then tell me honestly you dont believe in a higher power.  I really just cant imagine thinking that.  Everyone can feel gods spirit inside them. Feel him watching you when you know your doing something your not suppose to be doing. No I dont go to church. I never have on a consitent basis. But I know that he is here with me and you. Watching and listening.  
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:51:48 AM EDT


Probably not, mostly because I think He's forsaken us, and with good reason.

How sad that you would fall for this lie.

Hebrews 13:5  ...for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

He's coming back.  Maybe in 2007, maybe not.  But He's coming.

Exactly what I was thinking

We can't predict exactly when Christ is coming back - that's why we should live every day as if it's our last, and to have our lives and priorities in order. Personally, whether He comes back today or twenty thousand years from now, I'm going to be ready.

ETA - A previous poster said that a lot of people don't believe because we enjoy doing those things considered sin in the Bible. Here's my opinion on this - God wants us to have a happy life on earth; we aren't meant to live without love, laughter, and a little beer now and then - He knows we are going to sin - why else would He have sent his Son to us. We just have to recognize sin and avoid it when we can. As my cousin and mentor always says, beer, guns, etc are only bad when they start to control your life - when you live every day for booze/getting drunk and not for the Lord, you have a problem. But if you keep your priorities in order, you'll be just fine.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 6:56:14 AM EDT
When he does . . .  some of y'all best run for cover.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 7:03:51 AM EDT


Poll: Americans See Gloom, Doom in 2007
Email this Story

Dec 31, 7:12 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - Another terrorist attack, a warmer planet, death and destruction from a natural disaster. These are among Americans' grim predictions for the United States in 2007.

But on a brighter note, only a minority of people think the U.S. will go to war with Iran or North Korea over the countries' nuclear ambitions. An overwhelming majority thinks Congress will raise the federal minimum wage. A third sees hope for a cure to cancer.

These are among the findings of an Associated Press-AOL News poll that asked Americans to gaze into their crystal balls and contemplate what 2007 holds for the country.

Six in 10 people think the U.S. will be the victim of another terrorist attack next year, more than five years after the Sept. 11 assault on New York and Washington. An identical percentage think it is likely that bad guys will unleash a biological or nuclear weapon elsewhere in the world.

There is plenty of gloom to accompany all of that doom.

Seventy percent of Americans predict another major natural disaster within the United States and an equal percentage expect worsening global warming. Fewer than one-third of people, or 29 percent, think it is likely that the U.S. will withdraw its troops from Iraq.

Among other predictions for the U.S. in 2007:

- Slightly more than one-third, or 35 percent, of Americans predict the military draft will be reinstated.

- One in four, 25 percent, anticipates the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The telephone poll of 1,000 adults was conducted Dec. 12-14 by Ipsos, an international polling firm. The margin of sampling error was plus or minus three percentage points.

Belief in another terrorist attack also seems to be strong. What say Arfcom? Is Jesus coming back this year?

Do the math.  250 (+/- 30) people habeeb it.

polls are typically useless as the results can easily be manipulated simply by who and where you do the polling.  Ask 1000 people in san francisko who Jesus is and 87% will tell you its the guy that styles their hair.

also this just in 98% of people (with a 2% margin of error) believe shits just gonna get worse.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 7:04:02 AM EDT

What's to wonder?  According to the truth that is South Park a quarter of the population is retarded anyway...

Conservative estimate.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 7:32:49 AM EDT
87% of statistics are made up.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:06:28 AM EDT

 There are alot of people that dont want to believe because they enjoy doing the things that are sins in the bible.  Like most of us do.  But deep down, I think most people really DO believe. The world is just to beautiful and full of amazing things to think that the whole thing was some freak accident of  science.  Go outside and feel the warm sun on your face. Listen to the birds sing. The wind blowing threw the tree's.

     Then tell me honestly you dont believe in a higher power.  I really just cant imagine thinking that.  Everyone can feel gods spirit inside them. Feel him watching you when you know your doing something your not suppose to be doing. No I dont go to church. I never have on a consitent basis. But I know that he is here with me and you. Watching and listening.  

Okay, gotta get serious here for a moment:  you're wrong on so many levels that it's hard to know where to begin.  
First of all, I don't disbelieve in Christianity because I "enjoy sinning."  I don't live any differently now than when I was a believer, apart from not praying or going to church.  
I disbelieve in Christianity because it makes no logical sense to me.
Second, the fact that we PERCEIVE the natural world as beautiful or amazing doesn't mean it was created, it simply means that we're part of that self-same natural world.  Also, saying it's "wonderful" doesn't prove anything.  We don't have a created and non-created universe to compare to each other.
Third, the possibility that the universe may have been created means absolutely NOTHING wrt the truth or falsity of Christianity or any other religion.  The universe could have been created by extra-dimensional aliens in the equivalent of a High School science experiment for all you know.  
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:13:20 AM EDT
1:4? Well, 1:2 is below average intelligence... so this sounds about right...
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:14:34 AM EDT
We are in End Times, but that will be 7 years of HELL before he returns
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:16:38 AM EDT
In other news 1 in 4 or 25% of Americans are retarded.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:18:58 AM EDT
25% of Americans believe that Jesus will return in 2007

Even if he did- the Religious right would not beleive him any way. Hell he could be here now ,but people like Pat robertson and his narrow minded followers would crucify him again.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:29:34 AM EDT

25% of Americans believe that Jesus will return in 2007

Even if he did- the Religious right would not beleive him any way. Hell he could be here now ,but people like Pat robertson and his narrow minded followers would crucify him again.

We have a winner.

If/When Jesus returns he will not be believed in any way/shape/form simply because for him it's NOT all about the Benjamins.  The real Jesus would be a complete outsider to the "religious right".

Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:38:24 AM EDT
If I was god I would have disowned the human race long ago.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:51:33 AM EDT
I find it ironic that, poll results about Jesus returning is in a doom and gloom article.

Reminds me of a movie line.....Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:53:39 AM EDT
25% of Americans believe that Elvis is alive.  "nuff said.
Link Posted: 1/1/2007 8:57:25 AM EDT

25% think we never went to the moon.


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