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Posted: 5/29/2002 4:02:14 PM EDT
[i]Borrowed this from another site[/i]

[b]Geography of a Woman[/b]

Between the ages of 18 - 21 a woman is like Africa or Australia. She is
half discovered, half wild and naturally beautiful with bush land around
the fertile deltas.

Between the ages of 21 - 30 a woman is like America or Japan. Completely
discovered, very well developed and open to trade especially with
countries with cash or cars.

Between the ages of 30 - 35 she is like India or Spain. Very hot,
relaxed and convinced of its own beauty.

Between the ages of 35 - 40 a woman is like France or Argentina. She may
have been half destroyed during the war but can still be a warm and
desirable place to visit.

Between the ages of 40 - 50 she is like Yugoslavia or Iraq. She lost the
war and is haunted by past mistakes. Massive reconstruction is now

Between the ages of 50 - 60 she is like Russia or Canada. Very wide,
quiet and the borders are practically unpatrolled but the frigid climate
keeps people away.

Between the ages of 60 - 70 a woman is like England or Mongolia. With a
glorious and all conquering past but alas no future.

After 70, they become Albania or Afghanistan. Everyone knows where it
is, but no one wants to go there.

[b]The Geography of a Man[/b]

Between the ages of 15 - 70 a man is like Zimbabwe - ruled by a dick.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:23:59 PM EDT
ROFLMAO!!!!  sad, but true.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 4:27:29 PM EDT
LT, You I gonna mention those dick pills !
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:36:50 PM EDT
LT, You I gonna mention those dick pills !
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Link Posted: 5/29/2002 5:56:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:48:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 11:52:21 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 12:57:54 PM EDT
Dang you, LT.

I got this in an e-mail about 10 minutes ago. 'bout fell outa' my chair. [:D]
Link Posted: 5/31/2002 1:25:48 PM EDT
Oh, how true!!

Link Posted: 5/31/2002 3:47:36 PM EDT
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