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Posted: 8/27/2006 6:52:46 AM EDT


Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:22:26 AM EDT
If it can go out on a F3, it means the seller is a current SOT (ie, dealer).  To a buyer, it would be a $200-400 possible savings and reduced transfer times.
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:30:43 AM EDT
Form 3 is a tax free transfer from C3 to C3. A form 4 is a transfer from C3 to and individual, and is a $200 tax.
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:43:39 AM EDT

So, as a private individual, I can purchase a NFA that is on a form 3 currently, but it will have to be swtiched to a form 4. Is correct?
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:47:54 AM EDT

So, as a private individual, I can purchase a NFA that is on a form 3 currently, but it will have to be swtiched to a form 4. Is correct?

If it's on a form three at a dealer other than the one you are using for your transfer, the form 3 allows the dealer that has the gun to transfer it to your dealer without anybody having to pay the $200 transfer tax. Your dealer will transfer it to you on a form 4 after it is transferred to him. If it's your dealer that has the item you want to buy currently on a form 3, he simply transfers it to you on a form 4. The F3 is for SOT to SOT transfers. The F4 is for transfers to individuals. What form it's "on" simply reflects what type of transfer was last done on the toy.
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:49:49 AM EDT

So, as a private individual, I can purchase a NFA that is on a form 3 currently, but it will have to be swtiched to a form 4. Is correct?

Yes, in fact that's about the only way AFAIK.  Normally buying it from an individual it would already be on a form 4, then it would have to go to the dealer on a form 3 ($200 and time) then sent to another dealer (a bit of time) if the buyer is in another state and then onto a new form 4 for the buyer ($200 and time).

So like the guys already said, you are saving steps, time and money if it's on a form 3 already.
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:52:24 AM EDT


So, as a private individual, I can purchase a NFA that is on a form 3 currently, but it will have to be swtiched to a form 4. Is correct?

Yes, in fact that's about the only way AFAIK.  Normally buying it from an individual it would already be on a form 4, then it would have to go to the dealer on a form 3 ($200 and time) then sent to another dealer (a bit of time) if the buyer is in another state and then onto a new form 4 for the buyer ($200 and time).

That's true if the gun is coming from an indiviual owner out of state. If it's in state, you don't have to do 2 F4's or pay the tax twice. You can transfer it directly from owner to owner, requiring only 1 F4.

ETA: A transfer from an out of state individual to your in state dealer would be done on a form 4, not a form 3. F3 is if it's currently registered to an out of state dealer and is being transferred to another (your) dealer.
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:53:51 AM EDT



So, as a private individual, I can purchase a NFA that is on a form 3 currently, but it will have to be swtiched to a form 4. Is correct?

Yes, in fact that's about the only way AFAIK.  Normally buying it from an individual it would already be on a form 4, then it would have to go to the dealer on a form 3 ($200 and time) then sent to another dealer (a bit of time) if the buyer is in another state and then onto a new form 4 for the buyer ($200 and time).

That's true if the gun is coming from an indiviual owner out of state. If it's in state, you don't have to do 2 F4's or pay the tax twice. You can transfer it directly from owner to owner, requiring only 1 F4.

Wow, mine was OOS.  Who does the direct transfer and what is the cost?
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 7:55:08 AM EDT

Thanks for the replies. That really helps and clears it up for me.

Link Posted: 8/27/2006 8:02:05 AM EDT

Wow, mine was OOS.  Who does the direct transfer and what is the cost?

When buying an item that is currently registered to an out of state individual, either he can transfer it to his local dealer (F4) who then transfers it to your in state dealer (F3) who then transfers it to you (F4 again), or the out of state individual owner can transfer it directly to your in state dealer on a F4 and he then transfers it to you on another F4. The second method avoids the OOS dealer and his own fees for handling the transaction, not to mention the time wait avoided for one transfer.

If you're buying from an in state individual, it doesn't have to be transferred to a dealer at all - the F4 transfers it directly from the seller to the buyer. A dealer's services might still be required depending on local laws (NICS check, state registration, etc.), but for purposess of NFA the gun can be transferred directly.

When I bought my Uzi (from an out of state individual), he had already transferred it to his local dealer on consignment so that dealer was able to send it to my dealer on a F3. In my case the seller had already paid the $200 tax for the first transfer before the gun was advertised for sale, and the deal was advertised as seller pays first transfer. All I had to do was wait a short time for his dealer to send it to my dealer on a F3.

NFA laws and procedures are clear as mud.
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 8:04:56 AM EDT


Wow, mine was OOS.  Who does the direct transfer and what is the cost?

When buying an item that is currently registered to an out of state indiviual, either he can transfer it to his local dealer (F4) who then transfers it to your in state dealer (F3) who then transfers it to you (F4 again), or the out of state individual owner can transfer it directly to your in state dealer on a F4 and he then transfers it to you on another F4. The second method avoids the OOS dealer and his own fees for handling the transaction.

When I bought my Uzi (from an out of state individual), he had already transferred it to his local dealer on consignment so that dealer was able to send it to my dealer on a F3. In my case the seller had already paid the $200 tax for the first transfer before the gun was advertised for sale, and the deal was advertised as seller pays first transfer. All I had to do was wait a short time for his dealer to send it to my dealer on a F3.

NFA laws and procedures are clear as mud.


Thx for the explanation.
Link Posted: 8/27/2006 8:25:07 AM EDT

Form 3 is a tax free transfer from C3 to C3. A form 4 is a transfer from C3 to and individual, and is a $200 tax.

It would be better to characterize it as an SOT to SOT transfer. C3 is a Dealer but the same form is used by C2s (manufacturer).

Just a small point but it addresses the ongoing incorrect reference of NFA weapons as C3 weapons. C3 is a type of SOT (in this case a Dealer only).

Link Posted: 8/27/2006 8:44:56 AM EDT


Form 3 is a tax free transfer from C3 to C3. A form 4 is a transfer from C3 to and individual, and is a $200 tax.

It would be better to characterize it as an SOT to SOT transfer. C3 is a Dealer but the same form is used by C2s (manufacturer).

Just a small point but it addresses the ongoing incorrect reference of NFA weapons as C3 weapons. C3 is a type of SOT (in this case a Dealer only).

Just trying to keep it simple
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