Quoted: Is it worth the extra time(ATF hassle?) & money to own a SBR ??
That's something only you can decide.
Unless you're LE or .mil, it's all for recreation. Most of us don't
need SBRs, SBS's, AOWS, DDs or MGs -- but we
want them. They are enjoyable to shoot: Some fall into the category of "the most fun you can have with your pants on."
IMHO, the only NFA which fulfills a
need are suppressors, which are effective at preserving the hearing of shooters and observers alike. Everything else is just for fun.
NFA ownership is also an exercise in individual responsibility: Most of us grew up thinking, like the sheeple, that
Those things are illegal! BATF's NFA process was set up to weed out would-be owners that .gov believes should not own items with a higher potential for offensive use; being approved is like getting a security clearance. It's also a symbol of how serious a shooter you are, because only a dedicated, determined owner would go through the long, expensive process.
Mostly, I own NFA
because I can.