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Posted: 12/27/2006 5:08:59 PM EDT
I recently have decided to get a FAL type of battle rifle and started looking at some of the local gun stores.  One store had a Canadian FN FAL with "L1A1" markings with a thumbhole stock for $700.  This store also had a Springfield SAR-8 for $1000.  Both guns were used but I don't know the roundcount.  I was talking to the owner while I was looking at the springfield, and he said I would be better off buying such-and-such brand because a new one would be around $1100.  the brand he mentioned was "JBL" or "JLB" or something like that.  He was telling me they manufacture the guns on HK machines and to HK specs.  I realize you get what you pay for and that companies such as DSA and HK probably make better quality guns.  I am just looking for an inexpensive FAL-type gun without spending much over $1000 and perferably under that.  It just so happens his shop can order that brand so I don't see him as an impartial source.  Thanks for any information you have about what the brand he mentioned is because I searched what I thought he had said on google and couldn't find anything.  I just started looking into FAL's this week so I'm not familiar with the manufacturers yet.
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 5:12:48 PM EDT
Try asking around here there are several manufacturer representatives in the boards there also.
www.falfiles.com/forums/ <----click me
Link Posted: 12/28/2006 5:57:59 AM EDT

I recently have decided to get a FAL type of battle rifle and started looking at some of the local gun stores.  One store had a Canadian FN FAL with "L1A1" markings with a thumbhole stock for $700.  This store also had a Springfield SAR-8 for $1000.  Both guns were used but I don't know the roundcount.  I was talking to the owner while I was looking at the springfield, and he said I would be better off buying such-and-such brand because a new one would be around $1100.  the brand he mentioned was "JBL" or "JLB" or something like that.  He was telling me they manufacture the guns on HK machines and to HK specs.  I realize you get what you pay for and that companies such as DSA and HK probably make better quality guns.  I am just looking for an inexpensive FAL-type gun without spending much over $1000 and perferably under that.  It just so happens his shop can order that brand so I don't see him as an impartial source.  Thanks for any information you have about what the brand he mentioned is because I searched what I thought he had said on google and couldn't find anything.  I just started looking into FAL's this week so I'm not familiar with the manufacturers yet.

The SAR-8 is an HK G3 clone, not a FAL. A SAR-8 should be around $850; he is talking about JLD PTR-91 as the manufacturer/brand selling HK91/G3 clones. The Century Arms thumbhole L1A1 should be no more than $600, and that is more than I would pay for one. For that money I'd be looking for a Century rifle on an Imbel receiver; if $1K is your ceiling for a FAL I'd get a DSA StG58, or a custom Imbel rifle. For HK I'd do a custom built rifle over a PTR-91; it will cost about the same (if buying new) and you'll end up with a better rifle.
Link Posted: 12/28/2006 7:13:43 PM EDT
I got a Century L1A1 and it is kind of a crapshoot. I had to add some American parts so you will have to factor that into your costs, but the cost can be spread out over time.I also had a fixable problem such as failure to eject. If the gun shop will guarantee that it works and allow you to return the L1A1 if it doesn't, I would get the Century because it's cheaper. I guess the bottom line is you get what you pay for. Hope that helps.
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 4:27:04 PM EDT
Search around for a DSA STG58. NOT the DSA SA58. The STG58 is a fine rifle at a decent price, and is built from excellent used Austrian parts, on DSA's superb receiver. You should be able to get one easily for under a thousand. The SA58 is built from all new parts, and is a fine rifle, but $$$$$. Don't let the used parts throw you off, all the STG's that I have seen look new, inside and out. DSA does a good job with their quality control, and there is no comparison to a Century. With a Century, it really is a crap shoot.
Link Posted: 12/30/2006 10:16:05 PM EDT
thanks for all the help so far.  i went back yesterday to look at the thumbhole FAL again and wrote down some of the numbers on the reciever.  It had "L1A1 Sporter" with the caliber under it and "CAI-St Alb Ut" under that.  The words "made in canada" were on the mag well part of the reciever.  I assume that "CAI" means its a century and hit or miss as far as quality?  I also assume there isn't a way to make a thumbhole FAL into one with a pistol grip?  thanks for all the help so far from you guys and the guys over on FAL files.  its sounding like i should just start looking a gun shows rather than buy the one at this shop.
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 12:09:05 PM EDT
"made in canada": should be an Imbel or FMAP (Argentine) receiver. These were generally pretty well built rifles.

"I also assume there isn't a way to make a thumbhole FAL into one with a pistol grip?"
Not so. You will need to reduce the number of foreign parts to 10 or less. Probably have to replace the lower because the pistol grip stud was more than likely cut off.

The prices you quoted are quite high for both rifles. Even more so if you add how much it will cost to add the US parts to make them normal.  
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