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Posted: 12/15/2016 11:54:05 PM EDT
So I myself own a mayflower APC, a Cry JPC and a SKD Minimalist.

"got a friend" who has a SBR AK47 that's been in the back of the closet for years that he decided to do something with.
Now he wants a plate carrier rig to go with it. Its a god damn SBR AK47 so hes not trying to buy a Eagle PC. Hes looking for something he can put some AR500 plates in and run 3 mags across the front with a cummerbund to allow comms and a pistol holster on each side.

I know of a lot of the good high end stuff that's out there but he doesn't want to spend that kind of money on an AK set up. Any recommendations?
Link Posted: 12/16/2016 1:18:13 PM EDT
If he wants to go cheap....anything Condor.

If he wants economical....shellback tactical.  

ETA:  I just picked up a shellback stealth low vis plate carrier with integrated mag pouches plus two level IV plates for 350.00.  I think the banshee package is priced the same.  And the banshee is solid gear for the money.  
Link Posted: 12/16/2016 8:02:20 PM EDT
Exactly what I am looking for!

Link Posted: 12/17/2016 1:08:35 AM EDT
Just get him a APC, I have one and run 4 AK mags, Admin pouch, Bleeder/Blowout pouch. And looking into comms.

Like you said you have one and you know its good stuff.

Tell your friend "you buy once, you cry once" on stuff like this!
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 11:35:25 AM EDT
Find him a Banshee on the EE.
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