okay lets try it again .
from the moment your wife ,girl friend,stripper from joes sugar shack or second cousin says
"did you hear that?"
what are you thinking at that moment?
1) Make sure everybody that's supposed to be in the house is accounted for.
2) Try to determine what made the noise. I have cats, so sometimes it can be difficult.
3) If the noise is determined to be a threat, assume a forward defensive position between bad guys and family, wife has her "SHTF" stuff in case they get by me, and the phone.
4) Proceed as needed.
Is clearing my own house my first choice? No.
Have I done it? Yes.
Was I prepared to use lethal force? If I wasn't I had no business picking up a weapon in the first place, and neither does anyone else.
Guns are not "bad-guy-be-gone" talismans that will magically protect you simply by carrying them.
If you aren't prepared to use it, then don't pick it up.