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Page Armory » 50 Cal
Posted: 8/21/2006 3:21:41 PM EDT
Do you guys think this is a reality or am I only trying to justify the price in my mind?

I did find this...


But on the other hand if PETA had their way we would all be vegans!  These gun nuts could be along the same line.
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 4:59:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 6:59:52 PM EDT

Do you guys think this is a reality or am I only trying to justify the price in my mind?

I did find this...


But on the other hand if PETA had their way we would all be vegans!  These gun nuts could be along the same line.

Keep telling yourself that!  I had always wanted 1 and when the Katrina debacle hit I thought it was the end of the world gas went to 3.15 and all hell had broke loose!  It made for a great excuse to buy a .50 the only problem was I happened to pick a .50 that took until Jan. to get to me!  Now that I have it I love it!  It is so much fun to shoot!  When it gets cooler I plan on shooting more of it but it isn't very fun whiping sweat out of your eyes and shooting that monster!  I'm down to your southern border so you know how hot it is!
Page Armory » 50 Cal
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