Just shoot it till you find the type(s) of ammo it likes, and also confirm it is GTG as-is. It almost certainly will be so, but if it is necessary to send it back to Ruger, they look askance at modded firearms. Plenty of time to do some research about modding it.
The auto bolt release mentioned above is a good suggestion, as is a larger bolt handle. The thing can certainly be a money pit if you choose, but the almost universally-done mods are few and inexpensive.
One good idea is to take the receiver apart, and clean it very well. Polish the inside, top of the receiver where the top of the bolt is, and also the very top of the bolt. There is often some excess, oversprayed paint inside the receiver, as well as some crud-attracting roughness inside the receiver and atop the bolt. Don't polish the rails on the bolt or on the receiver that the bolt rides on; let them wear-in.
The .22RF forum here has threads on the TD 10/22, and of course
Rimfirecentral has loads of info, too.