Well you're problem is that you heard bad things about the Serpa, but failed to have any of those bad things happen yourself. So I guess what exactly do you plan on doing with your holster? Do you plan on rolling around in the mud 12 hours a day 7 days a week? You'll find people who have had problems with every holster out there. So don't let the negative nancy's throw you.
Ok, having gotten that out of the way...
You could probably make a Blackhawk Quick Disconnect work with the Safariland. If you don't have it yet though, I'd look into G-Code accessories. I've got a safariland now that I use with their RTI system, and its more more low profile than the black hawk thing. I've even considered switching my Serpa and its quick disconnect over to the G-Code RTI, which they make a kit for.
So, if you wanted, you could get the SERPA RTI kit from G-Code and then have to buy the RTI Universal Hanger to work with the Safariland, and you're golden.