Fear not. I own and reload for 3 Marlins. An 1894 CBC in .38 Special, a 1894 CB in .45 Colt and an 1895 in .45-70 Govt. This issue comes up with Cowboy Action Shooters who are concerned about commercial .38 round nose ammo in their lever guns. My Marlin manual states ANY factory ammo is safe to use. Check if your Rossi manuals for ammo info, if it is not advised against use it. (All firearm manufacturers advise against reloads) Also, consider the ram used to seat the primer. It is smaller and you use a lot of pressure to seat the primer. I have shot thousands of round nose ammo thru my .38 Marlin at Cowboy matches. Try this to ease your mind. Prime an empty case. secure in a vise, grasp bullet with pliers, place bullet nose to primer, rap with a small hammer. Please note this is an unloaded primed only case.
The issue is with .30-30, .32 Special reloads with pointed FMJ bullets intended for bolt actions. Just my 2 cents