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Posted: 4/17/2007 4:47:12 PM EDT
want to buy a PPSH-41. Military Gun Supply has them for $795 and Allied Armament has them for $750. Does anyone have a PPSH-41, is it a good gun or does anyone have any input, thanks Terry
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 5:03:20 PM EDT
I think your prices are off, Allied raised it to $1000, and I think MGS (made my wise lite) will also go up in price.

So far, Allied as not sold one yet, they will be building up peoples ppsh kits into guns soon than be offering the built guns. You can read their progress on 1919a4 forums.

MGS, initially sold some guns, but have stopped because they are redesigning the guns so that they are not striker fired but regular old hammer/fireing pin.

Since I live not that far from allied am leaning towards them, but I prefer the MGS firing mechanism better. Either way would not buy till some people get them and can post reviews.
Link Posted: 4/21/2007 5:07:47 PM EDT
thanks for your help, I just order one from MGS,for $795 a very good buy, they said around June or July for my PPSH-41
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