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Posted: 1/25/2009 9:51:09 AM EDT
I'm looking for a 922 compliant pistol grip that wont let the safety roll past on my Steyer/DSA build.

I have the original stock(bead blasted) , a DSA hand guard and would like it to match them and look like the original.

Any idea where I can get such a grip?

Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:33:33 AM EDT
I think I remember the gunparts guy had those. If not any US made pistol grip would be compliant, just wouldn't stop the selector.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 5:50:03 AM EDT
I did some looking around.  Neither Gunpartsguy nor Gunthings show this style of pistol grip.

I seem to remember they were being sold by Wolfburg Bob over on the FALfiles.com.

I can't remember if FSE made this style also.

I can't remember where I got the couple I've got.  I'll check and get back to ya!
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:07:48 AM EDT
I think the ones I have came with mixed kits.

I did some looking over on the FALfiles and it's "wolfsburgbob" that was selling them.  Member "Ricketts" was selling them for a while also, but I think he passed on the last of his stock awhile ago.

I did see an old post (about a year and a half old) from Brad a gunthings.com stating he had them.  Best bet, contact him, he might have a couple left.

I don't know what kind of lower you are using, but there were some that used a pin monuted in the lower and a special selector that had a stop on it that prevented the selector from going to the A position.  

Now that I think about, DSA sells the "Semi-only" selector switch.
Semi-only Selector

Good luck
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 6:34:04 AM EDT
Gun Parts Guy does sell one, look here:
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 1:42:25 PM EDT
I got mine from GunParts Guy, but looks like he is out. He said he was low, and when they were gone there would be no more.

He has US made grips, but not the ones that keep it from going all the way around.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 7:07:07 PM EDT
Some people pin and weld the lower to stop the lever from moving that far. I welded the FA notch in my selector lever. It still goes to the auto posistion but will not allow the hammer to be released.
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 8:40:22 PM EDT
Thanks for all the input gents.
I found onr from a private party on the FAL files.
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