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Posted: 12/13/2010 7:29:14 AM EDT
Basically I'm going to going to do some volume loading for my AR, and I'm looking to see if anyone else has found anything cheaper.

I've been loading Winchester 55 gr FMJ. Right now it's $39 for 500, $77 for 1k at PowderValley. Admittedly, the bullets aren't great, and there's significant variation on the boat-tail. But, for volume, fast-fire shooting at less than 100 yards, they do just fine.

Remington 55gr MC is going $8.11 per 100. ($40.55 for 500, $81.10). I'm beginning to lean towards this one. For onle a couple extra bucks, I'm suspecting I'll get a more uniform bullet, but still at a fair price.

Varmint Nightmare bullets from MidSouth are pretty cheap, but they're a SP bullet, and I might have to find some load data for it, as I plan to continue loading with AA2230.

What do you use for cheap loads?
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 7:41:31 AM EDT
I was using armcor. Bullets were all of over the place but the shot surprisingly well. I too was looking at the varmit nightmare bullets.
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 7:43:46 AM EDT
I like the Hornady bulk pack 55 grain bullets. Nice grouping & beat the Win FMJ bullets hands down. I was getting 5+ inch groups at 100 yards with the Win bulk bullets. Wideners carries the Hornady. I have a load for AA2230 and got some good groups with that powder.
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 7:45:17 AM EDT
Basically I'm going to going to do some volume loading for my AR, and I'm looking to see if anyone else has found anything cheaper.

I've been loading Winchester 55 gr FMJ. Right now it's $39 for 500, $77 for 1k at PowderValley. Admittedly, the bullets aren't great, and there's significant variation on the boat-tail. But, for volume, fast-fire shooting at less than 100 yards, they do just fine.

Remington 55gr MC is going $8.11 per 100. ($40.55 for 500, $81.10). I'm beginning to lean towards this one. For onle a couple extra bucks, I'm suspecting I'll get a more uniform bullet, but still at a fair price.

Varmint Nightmare bullets from MidSouth are pretty cheap, but they're a SP bullet, and I might have to find some load data for it, as I plan to continue loading with AA2230.

What do you use for cheap loads?

Hornady 55gr FMJBTs for basic paper punching.  Their 55gr SP is a good all around bullet, without being too pricey.  If I'm spending my time to reload, I don't want to use bullets that make my rifle pattern like a 12ga.    

If accuracy isn't priority one and cost is, buy a .22LR conversion or dedicated upper.  Great for 0-50 yard training.  500 rounds for $15 or so.  Kits are about $200 or so, depending on brand.  Dedicated uppers are around $500, depending on features.

Link Posted: 12/13/2010 8:14:33 AM EDT
I dont like Win bulk bullets at all. Not even worth the time to reload IMHO.
Hornady 55 FMJ' are really quite good. My gun loves Horn 55 sp's so thats
what I volume load for all around plinking. Besides, they blow the beejeesus
out of heads of cabbage and pumpkins. They also work pretty good on
woodchucks too....
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 8:23:46 AM EDT
Montnan Gold if you want good quality, but their minimum order is a bit much -unless you want to load a lot of ammo $268 for 3500 delivered
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 8:53:13 PM EDT
Montnan Gold if you want good quality, but their minimum order is a bit much -unless you want to load a lot of ammo $268 for 3500 delivered

This. I picked up a case in Kalispell this summer. Haven't gotten around to loading them yet, but everyone i've talked to who has used these bullets swears by them.

Link Posted: 12/13/2010 11:25:18 PM EDT
Every bag of the Win 55gr FMJ I have ever bought has been absolute shit.

I buy either the Hornady 55gr FMJ BT or the 55gr spire point / soft point.

They are fantastic bullets.  They are also not expensive.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 5:06:36 AM EDT
Sierra #1365 factory seconds –– SPBT
The only problem is you have to pick up at the factory in Sedalia, MO –– which I can do

Next to the Sierra's privi makes a fair plinker in FMJ

Hornady's are good if you get them at the prices mentioned here.

Have not pulled the trigger on a purchase of the varmit nightmares but have thought about it.

Link Posted: 12/14/2010 5:51:40 AM EDT
$77/k for Winchester vs. $82/k for Hornady is a no-braner.  I grabbed some Winchester 55 FMJBT's when components were hard to find and can't believe Winchester puts their name on that garbage.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 10:11:50 AM EDT
Montnan Gold if you want good quality, but their minimum order is a bit much -unless you want to load a lot of ammo $268 for 3500 delivered

I have always used and loved the 55gr Hornady FMJs, but I'm curious as to how they compare to the Montana Gold bullets.  Have you every shot/compared them to the Hornadys?
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 10:37:37 AM EDT
I just go some of these:  http://www.wideners.com/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=7234&dir=278|281|727

$39/500 - It's too cold here to do much testing right now, but I got approximately the same groups as hornady shooting at 50 yards with 335 and 2230 - maybe slightly bigger groups, but definitely GTG for plinking.  Also the tails seem quite uniform in the lot I got.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 10:45:54 AM EDT
Another vote for Montana Gold.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 2:16:57 PM EDT
I just go some of these:  http://www.wideners.com/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=7234&dir=278|281|727

$39/500 - It's too cold here to do much testing right now, but I got approximately the same groups as hornady shooting at 50 yards with 335 and 2230 - maybe slightly bigger groups, but definitely GTG for plinking.  Also the tails seem quite uniform in the lot I got.

i send that.  i just ordered a 6k box.  they are one of the very few dealers that have stock of 6k boxes right now.  also montana gold is suppose to be good (this is what i was going to use if i couldn't find the hornady's).
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 3:56:50 PM EDT
Military pulls for $.06 cents a piece. I make rounds for $.12 cents per.
Hit a 4"x6" steel plate at 200yds all day long.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 6:16:04 PM EDT
Basically I'm going to going to do some volume loading for my AR, and I'm looking to see if anyone else has found anything cheaper.

I've been loading Winchester 55 gr FMJ. Right now it's $39 for 500, $77 for 1k at PowderValley. Admittedly, the bullets aren't great, and there's significant variation on the boat-tail. But, for volume, fast-fire shooting at less than 100 yards, they do just fine.

Remington 55gr MC is going $8.11 per 100. ($40.55 for 500, $81.10). I'm beginning to lean towards this one. For onle a couple extra bucks, I'm suspecting I'll get a more uniform bullet, but still at a fair price.

Varmint Nightmare bullets from MidSouth are pretty cheap, but they're a SP bullet, and I might have to find some load data for it, as I plan to continue loading with AA2230.

What do you use for cheap loads?

I have been buying Lake City 55 grain FMJBT but I like Hornady 55 grain FMJBT because they are more consistent and slightly more accurate on paper than LC. Hornady is better hands down over any Winchester or Remington Bulk Bullets and are the same price comparatively.  I use 25.0 grains of Accurate Arms 2230 or 25.5 grains of Ramshot Tac over either of the bullets I mentioned.  I can also recommend Alliant Reloder 7 because 55 grain loads typically take 20-21 grains MAX which means you can build more rounds per pound of powder while getting some good accuracy.  Reloder 7 won't give you the velocity that TAC will but you can get close to 3000fps which is fine for plinking/range rounds.   Start with the starting load (10% below Maximum) and work up 0.03 grains to see what your rifle likes
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 8:49:46 PM EDT
Montana Gold is hard to beat for the overall value.  I'm still working through my first big order.  If you can find a buddy to split the order with, that might make the price easier to stomach.  A worthwhile investment me thinks.  They're totally fine for plinking and I've used them for practical rifle matches also out to 300 yds.
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 9:38:24 PM EDT
Berry’s Manufacturing listed theirs as being from the Lake City plant, but they no longer advertise them as such, even though the bullets have remained the same and are identical to LC. Anyways, that's what I use. Their plastic boxes are real nice too.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 12:35:32 AM EDT
I'm gonna give Montana Gold a try...

Anyone ever try sectioning a Montana Gold bullet to see how the jacket compared to other M-193 style bullets?
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 4:08:36 PM EDT
I like the Hornady 55gr FMJs.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 6:23:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 7:54:30 PM EDT
Every bag of the Win 55gr FMJ I have ever bought has been absolute shit.

I buy either the Hornady 55gr FMJ BT or the 55gr spire point / soft point.

They are fantastic bullets.  They are also not expensive.

Exactly what I was going to post.

Never again will I buy Win 55 gr FMJ's.

Got rid of a bunch of mine at the last gun show. Picked up 8 LBs of TAC on a  trade. I absolutely hate the Win bulk bullets. They just don`t work for me at all.
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