If you build anything other than a 14.5" SBR as a first pass, you're coloring outside the lines, at least a bit. Will it matter or will you get caught, who knows? Given the stakes, I'd rather not find out. Of course, you've also just admitted it on a web forum known to be monitored by BATFE |
If the BATFE wants to waste their $$ and reputation trying to prosecute someone for possessing a SBR after they approved said person to construct a serialized SBR then we as a nation of gun owners are done for.
Thank you, John Adams, for your stirring speech.
How about prosecuting him for perjury for lying on a government form?
It's pretty simple, the application he filled out stated 14.5" for the barrel length as the length he intended to use on the SBR he applied to build. Right above his signature it says, "Under Penalties of Perjury, I Declare... it is true, accurate, and complete...." Putting an 11.5" barrel on his new SBR makes that application no longer accurate. Is that splitting hairs? Sure it is. But ATF has taken many chickenshit positions over the years and they back up those opinions with felony convictions. That is a game I don't wish to play, ever.
The whole reason that ATF no longer accepts "<16 inches" as a barrel length on a Form 1 is that they expect you to build a specific rifle with a specific barrel length. It isn't an open-ended permission slip to do whatever you want after you get the stamp.
Personally, I don't care what he does. Not my weapon, not my problem. If it gets confiscated, I don't care. If he ends up in prison, I don't care. The only lesson one needs to take away from all of this is
figure out this shit BEFORE you complete and send off a Form 1, not afterwards. Life is a lot simpler that way.
And once again, it is unlikely that BATFE would prosecute over it anyway. But them calling the weapon contraband and them giving you the option of surrendering without prosecution is hardly a "win" for him either. Why even go down that road?
Figure your shit out, THEN fill out the paperwork, not the other way around.