A number of years ago, when SKS's were to be had at 79.00, a good friend of mine got one. He arrived at my in-laws,(we shoot there often,) and proceeded to load up the rifle for it's first firing. We were taken completely by suprise when after one squeeze of the trigger, it emptied the entire 10 rounds. Thankfully, we had a substantial backstop (big hill) because the rifle spit the last couple of rounds far up the hill. The look on his face was a mix of terror and shock. Upon stripping the gun and examining the trigger group, we found it to be well worn-out. A new trigger group cured it. Got to admit, it was the first time that we had ever been around a full-auto firing, as the state of ILL. does not allow us to possess class three weapons.We consider ourselves lucky that there was no harm to anyone. It was kinda neat though.......lessons of youth I guess.