wow never heard it that good. promotive.com for me
can the average joe sign up there? I'm just now reading the site, but I don't get that impression.
its a very annoying signup. They have 'teams' of professions of every kind possible and each team opens you up to some or all of the vendors, (I imaginee they do this for direct marketing of some kind obviously, so create a junkmail account) and you can join multiple teams, there are dozens. I would say definatley get creative if you must, because some of them are like 'shooting instructor' etc. I got in by chance when it first started after hearing about it on another BOTS forum. the initial signup was bullshit, they wanted creds, your dept id your sgts name and phone number haha so at the time a bunch of us just told the guy are you kidding with this and just emailed him an Id and all got accepted
then your team memberhsips expire every so often at different times and it again asks you for all kinds of stuff, now I just answer the obnoxious questions like no, or are you kidding with that .. that sorta thin and I still get reapproved so Im not sure.
I did notice a few days ago that Leupold which has always been the craziest of all the companies on there and was the reason I joined rewrote their terms of agreement basically saying if you buy stuff and your not who you say you are were gonna do something about it, that kinda thing. most company discounts arent that great, but some are, leupold in particular is the only company ive seen that offers a discount just to federal LE and not local, so bascially park rangers, postal police, amtrak police can get great glass cheap
. this was a way around that.
vertx is on of teh better companies there, they makes great work pants and multicam stuff that is well made.