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Posted: 6/30/2015 4:08:34 PM EDT
I'm looking to buy the LWPC, but I'm confused about the sizing. This comes directly off Appalachian Training's website

A Medium cummerbund will provide a max of about 39.5 inches, plus a couple more inches by leaving a gap in the running ends. A Large cummerbund will provide about 42 inches of circumference. Measure at the bottom of your ribcage, account for clothing and armor and you know which size you require.

So I measured myself at the bottom of the rib cage and was 43 inches. I'm 6 foot, 215 lbs. Can someone help explain this to me?
Link Posted: 6/30/2015 10:16:21 PM EDT
I was confused about this as well so I'll chime in.  I bought an APC a year or so ago and everything I read determined that I should go  with a medium cumberbund. Dont remember what my measurement was but it was in the medium range. When I got it and tried it on with plates and all the cumberbund barely and I mean barely fit. Like had Velcro stocking out to each side of the carrier in the front. And that was with nothing but a tee shirt underneath.  I returned it. If I ever needed to wear a sweatshirt under it or I gained a few pounds it would have been too small.  I'm planning on ordering another one when I find a 4th of July sale.   I'll order the large this time.  

Granted this was for the APC ans not the LWPC but if I were ordering the LWPC I'd still get the large.  

FYI I'm 5'11" and around 190 so not a lot of difference in size between us.  I'd say you should get the large.
Link Posted: 7/1/2015 10:00:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/2/2015 3:17:26 PM EDT
Thanks a lot guys, very helpful!
Link Posted: 7/2/2015 9:33:42 PM EDT
Your thread got me looking at the LWPC again.   Decided that was a better choice for my usage than an APC.  Mine will be here Monday thanks to the vendor above in this thread.

ETA I'm wondering how the shoulder straps are going to be without pads.  I'm worried about them digging in if worn for extended periods of time.  
Link Posted: 7/2/2015 11:50:42 PM EDT
I've had a LWPC for a little over a year now.  I've only had a couple of opportunities to shoot while wearing it, but very much like it.  I have level IIIA soft armor backers in it along with front and rear level IV hard plates.  I've not had the finances to pick up side plates for it yet.

At any rate, I am very much a fan of the design.  If you choose to run hard armor plates, shoulder pads will make all the difference in terms of comfort.  If you choose to run it concealed, I would recommend just using the soft armor backers and removing the buckles from the chest, as they will print significantly under anything but a sweatshirt.

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