I bought a house a while back, and it had a traditional home alarm system. It was originally Broadview, which is ADT now.
I have stickers and signs:
I have a keypad like this, and a few keyless entry fobs:
I also have this Honeywell circuit board in the basement under the floor joists:
I'm not sure what all bells and whistles it has. But whenever you open or close an exterior door, it beeps throughout the house (which is nice), it has an alarm, had monitoring, has at least one motion detector (although I can't find it), etc.
What the home-seller didn't tell us
was the passcode for the alarm.
After living in the house for about a week, my girlfriend arms it. At that point, we did not know how to disarm it. We found out that the alarm is pretty loud during the three times it went off, and what rooms we were 'trapped' in because of the motion detector. Calls to the seller's real estate agent (who called the seller) were useless, they refused to give us the alarm code.
After several calls to customer service, I eventually found the backup battery hidden in one closet, and then disconnected the powersupply in the basement, and everyone is quiet. Except I have an old-fashioned, wired alarm system that I'm not using.
Now I want to get back into having a home security system. ADT says I would have to buy some new equipment, plus there is the costly monthly monitoring, etc.
I've read some threads about SImpliSafe. Is there a way to use what I already have, maybe change out the proprietary Broadview/Brinks/ADT parts, and get a local monitoring company? I am pretty sure I will have to get some new parts because I do not know the passcode to this one and once I plug it back up, it will start alarming again
Or should I just forget about using it, and go with Simplisafe?