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Posted: 8/20/2006 6:18:17 PM EDT
I can't find the thread and it's driving me nuts.  Seems someone had a HK-53 stock on a MP-5 or or a SBR and it had two notches so it would still lock in the closed position i an MP-5.  Where can I find such a stock and how much do they cost? I just bought a HK-94 clone and I'd like to get a V53 shortly...so I might be able to save money and not buy two A3 stocks.  Any advice?  Thanks,

Link Posted: 8/21/2006 1:20:00 AM EDT
This is the stock you want, it will work on the MP5 series as well as the 53/33. These were originally 53/33 stocks that HK modified for the MP5/40/10 guns.

photo courtesy of HKspecialist.net


Link Posted: 8/21/2006 11:23:46 AM EDT
Thanks osprey!
Link Posted: 8/21/2006 1:34:31 PM EDT
Different recoil rods?  How about using the ones that come with the A2 stocks on the SW-5 and the V-93?
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