I agree with you, 1911, I'm just not sure what to look for. I will definitely strip the gun down (including the extractor) this week and clean it up (I have a class on Saturday that it needs to be in top shape for).
That said, I ran 100 230gr. XTP's through it tonight with 6.3 grains of N340 and Winchester primers, (using the stock Glock barrel) just to be sure everything runs without a hitch before Saturday. I didn't have a single issue, everything fed, fired, and extracted just flawlessly.
And looking over the cases (which I had inspected closely while loading them last night), not one of them has a torn rim. I usually only shoot lead, and all the torn cases were shot with lead when they got torn up, using the LWD barrel. Not sure why the lead or the barrel would have any impact. The only thing I can figure is something wrong with the extractor, or the lead loads are hotter than I think they are? (chrono time...)