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Posted: 12/27/2006 12:44:02 PM EDT
Should I refinish the stock or not?

The weapon is a Springfield 1903 MARK 1.

The stock is not proper for the weapon and has no cartouches. I am not worried about hurting any collector value as I bought it to shoot it.

Your VALUED opinion is requested!

Link Posted: 12/27/2006 12:57:26 PM EDT
leave it be, original...

only time id suggest refinishing a stock is if they messed it up real good, by pressure washing it and raising the grain on it....as my Yugo Mauser came....

only rifle ive ever refinished...
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 1:41:43 PM EDT
That one doesn't look to bad, other than being on the the ugly scant stocks.  Maybe just clean it good, give a coat or two of BLO and call it good.  

The stock on my CMP Remington 03 was waaaaayyyyy worse than that.  I tried every method in the book to improve it.  Eventually got a new stock for it.  There is a guy in my area who refinishes military stocks, especially USGI.  You give him your old stock and $45 he gives you a stock he refinished.  Don't know how he does it, but the stocks all look great, a real mil spec finish.  Had him do my Garand as well, tho that was more money.  
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 1:51:22 PM EDT

Can you send me some pics of his work?

To apply the BLO, do I need to strip the rifles old finish off or just apply as is, (obviously I would remove the stock) LOL.

Link Posted: 12/27/2006 2:01:56 PM EDT
If it's not proper for the weapon (i.e., no collector value), and has no cartouches, why not refinish it?  If you like the way it looks now, leave it be.  If you don't, refinish it.
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 2:20:16 PM EDT
Leave it as is, just give it a good BLO job . It looks like a nice example of a Greek issued 03, enjoy it for what it is don't ruin it .

Refinishing it actually hurts the value and ruins a nice stock especially a bad refinish with a goober tung oil job....
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 2:25:03 PM EDT
Do I apply the BLO over it as it appears now?
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 5:33:42 PM EDT

Do I apply the BLO over it as it appears now?

You could.  I would just take warm soapy water, maybe a plastic (not metal) cleaning pad and clean it good.  Do it two or three times over the course of a week or two.  Lightly sand it.  Hit it with one to ten coats of BLO.  

Its clearly a replacement stock so I see no harm to the collector's value at this point.  Truthfully it doesn't look that bad from the photos.  A modest amount of effort and it could look a lot better.
Link Posted: 12/27/2006 6:34:04 PM EDT
EVERYONE, Thanks for your insight, suggestions, and help!

Thanks !!
Link Posted: 12/31/2006 4:39:50 AM EDT
leave it original..
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