The Lee 158 RNFP is one of my favorite bullets for full-powered stuff. I run that bullet over 16 grains of H110. It runs 1300fps(ish) out of my 4" GP100 and I have zero issues with leading. Same bullet goes over 1650 out of my Marlin 1894c and I don't have any issues leading with that gun either.
If you're looking for a mid range load, try the 158 grain Lee TL SWC bullet. I run that one with 6.5 grains of Unique. I haven't chronographed that bullet, but my uncalibrated wrist chrono says it runs around 1000-1100fps.
If I was using my pistol as a sidearm for a deer or elk hunt, I'd probably run the RD 175 grain bullet over 16.0 grains of H110.
Don't worry about gas checks in .357 mag. Save your money for other things like more lead.
If you have a .357 Max T/C barrel that you want to wring out, then you use 190 grain Ranch Dogs @ 1900-2000fps and use a gas check.