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Posted: 11/25/2014 2:16:33 PM EDT
I stopped by Tech-Sights website to see if they have any Black Friday (ok, I will admit it...I am a cheap bastard) and saw they had a new set of sights that mount to the 10/22 rail: http://www.tech-sights.com/rugerrail.htm

The pic shows the sight mounted with a RDS. I am near the age where my eyesight might not be as good as it once was (ok, I will admit it...I am an old bastard too), so I might want to mount a scope. Has anybody tried this sight? Is there enough space to mount a scope with the sight and not just a RDS? I am thinking, that I might be able to mount a longer rail, but I would have to find a scope with some very generous eye relief and even then I would probably have to tinker around with it. Just curious...
Link Posted: 11/25/2014 5:00:28 PM EDT
Before spouting any opinions, I must ask - what do you want to achieve with this setup?

Most telescopic scopes mount higher than the low-profile red dots cited as co-witness options by TS in their ad. So you won't get co-witnessing, which means that with the scope mounted the sights will be useless.
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