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Posted: 10/12/2005 5:22:54 AM EDT
Has anyone seen one of these for sale yet in person?

They are supposed to be shipping them this month.

Link Posted: 10/12/2005 5:41:17 AM EDT

Lifetime warranty or not, this is one weak design that you should be wary of.  Other versions/manufacturer would not run.

Wait for the reviews.
Link Posted: 10/12/2005 5:50:45 AM EDT
Haven't seen one yet, but I'm anxious to get one.   Basically a copy of Colts ill-fated 'Lightning' design. But, with a pump stroke of about 2 inches, and being "Slam-Fire" capable, it interests me.  

Can you say; Cowboy Assault Rifle!!

Here's a short Review
Link Posted: 10/12/2005 10:47:10 AM EDT


Lifetime warranty or not, this is one weak design that you should be wary of.  Other versions/manufacturer would not run.

Wait for the reviews.

Taurus created a gun that is a letter-perfect duplicate of the Lightning, but, internally is a beefed up M62, probably the most tested and perfected pump gun in existance. My test gun is, as I said, a blue .45 Colt with a 26-inch barrel and a 14-round capacity.

Link Posted: 10/12/2005 10:49:16 AM EDT
I checked at JSC and RSR last week and neither had any instock...

Link Posted: 10/12/2005 11:02:30 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/12/2005 12:12:46 PM EDT

I checked at JSC and RSR last week and neither had any instock...

Thats interesting, and even those of us in the PRK should be able to get one!
Link Posted: 10/12/2005 12:30:38 PM EDT
I talked to Taurus USA in Aug and they said they will be shipping in October.

Blued ones first, then stainless in Nov.

Also, the stock on the stainless will be the same as the one they now show on the blued stock.  The tigerstripe was a 1 off for marketing purposes when they came out with the prototype.
Link Posted: 10/12/2005 4:26:39 PM EDT


I checked at JSC and RSR last week and neither had any instock...


Thats interesting, and even those of us in the PRK should be able to get one!

I've had at least 10 inquiries in the last few weeks...
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