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Posted: 11/24/2014 11:03:22 PM EDT
My tl-15 safe with a SG 44tl lock type 1 lock will not relock after being held open by the bolt catch.   If the catch is not used the lock works fine.
But you have to unlock the safe to shut the door and lock it.  Do I need to replace the lock? Can I replace the lock or do I need a locksmith?
Link Posted: 11/24/2014 11:17:05 PM EDT
I get $600 to $1,000 to drill open a TL-15.  Probably a good investment to have a professional figure out what's wrong with it, and repair it before drilling is required.

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 10:36:14 AM EDT
My tl-15 safe with a SG 44tl lock type 1 lock will not relock after being held open by the bolt catch.   If the catch is not used the lock works fine.
But you have to unlock the safe to shut the door and lock it.  Do I need to replace the lock? Can I replace the lock or do I need a locksmith?
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I assume this is a new problem?

As a1abdj says, you don't want to have to have it drilled. If it is acting out of the ordinary at all, I would leave the safe unlocked and the door open until it is fixed. Electronic locks don't often give very many warnings before they croak entirely, and when they croak, there isn't a lot a safe tech can do that doesn't involve drilling.

Also, if you are asking if a locksmith is required, then the answer is probably yes. In most cases replacing an electronic lock isn't super difficult, but for a TL15 safe, the risk is much higher if you mess it up. They often have more complicated relocking systems than gun safes, and the costs to have it drilled are much larger.

Also, while I think a competent locksmith can likely do the work, I would suggest a safe tech instead. You can find one in your area by going to savta.org

Link Posted: 11/25/2014 8:38:21 PM EDT
Thank you both for the great info. I will look for a safe tech.
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