I've bought a couple 1000 round lots of once fired brass that the dealer says "some SAW brass mixed in". In the 1000 cases they were typically about 50 SAW cases. Most of the SAW cases showed no problems with stretching or damage. A very few were banged up or showed stretching. Most of the SAW brass had the ejector marks on the case head. SAW ejector marks are shaped like a watermelon slice rather than the normal horseshoe mark left by M16's or AR's sometimes. I wouldn't NOT buy "some SAW brass may be mixed in" brass if the price was right and knowing there would be some quantity of it in the mix. But there should be the same amount of attention and checking all military once fired brass as there would be SAW brass. Seems I find from 5 to 25 military once fired cases with the classic stretch mark inside and bad enough that they might separate if loaded again. I wouldn't buy ALL Saw brass though unless it was very very cheap and expecting to do a lot of case inspections on them. Having loaded a lot of military surplus brass it's a gamble on all of it. Seems some brass is very good with no issues and looks almost like it was fired from a bolt rifle while other lots have nicks and dings, more than normal cases that are stretched, rim damage, and ejector marks. Some military rifles seem to have very good headspace and cases aren't damaged while other rifles must be in poor condition with bad headspace and do lots of damage to cases.