So, a while ago I thought I would build myself a nice 870 Wingmaster 20" rifle sight barrel shotgun. I have a few bead sighted shotguns, but I wanted top be able to use slugs more effectively at longer ranges, and still be able to use buckshot close in, so...
I bought a SpeedFeed stock for $60 from a member here (Easy_E)
I bought a used 870 Wingmaster 12 gauge from Gander Mountain for $115
I bought a slightly used 20" smoothbore (IC) rifle sight factory barrel from another member here (Kalahnikid) for $90
I also just a few days ago bought a Choate mag extension for $40 from Sportsmans Guide. (Came with my shipment of really cheap Estate 00 buck).
So, for ~$305, what do you all think...
I put some electrical tape around the mag clamp, to keep it from sliding around and marring the barrel. I used good electrical tape (Scotch Super 33+), which is heat resistant, holds in cold whether etc. Looks a little ghetto, but it should work alright.