So I've on fired roughly 300rd through my Silencerco/SWR Octane9 HD2, all with a fixed barrel adapter on my CZ Scorpion Evo3 SBR. I just got a threaded barrel for my M&P9 so I installed the piston, spring, and std base cap but noticed that the piston way VERY difficult to install. I couldn't just drop it in, I had to tap it in with a small nylon mallet. I pulled it out and inspected the non-removable bird cage area and noticed a little bit of carbon build up. After a lot of cleaning I finally got the piston to drop in 95%, just had to push on it at one point.
My concern is that I plan to primarily shoot this on my Scorpion, but it seems like with the fixed barrel adapter the bird cage area is the blast chamber and will be subjected to a lot of carbon build up. Clearly it only takes a couple hundred rounds before I can't install the piston, so going between hosts is going to be a PITA.
First, am I correct in believing this is an issue, that the piston must drop in freely? Is there any trick to swapping between fixed adapter and booster setup with relative ease? Is there any kind of sleeve I can put in the bird cage area to protect it from carbon build up (similar to using a fixed barrel spacer)?