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Posted: 5/13/2002 8:32:59 PM EDT
I was at the range Saturday, when I was shooting my AR. Every time I shot all of my shots would go low but sometimes my shots would right on  the target. I can never remember where to put my front sight on the target. My front sight is fine my friend can hit the target everytime with my rifle.

Another friend of mine got his new Saturday and we took it out and, he has never fired a rifle before he was shooting half inch groups with his  rifle.  
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 8:47:10 PM EDT
Make sure you have the same cheek weld all the time.  This will make a HUGE difference.  If you fire two shots, raise your head, then obtain a new weld, your zero will be different.

Find a comfortable spot, remember it, and stick with it.
Link Posted: 5/13/2002 10:14:04 PM EDT
Position: Your head and body must always be in the same place for each shot. Target shooters use the "natural point of aim", where you get into position with the rifle pointed at the target, close eyes, shake rifle, and the sight picture should be dead on. This assumes you are shooting from position, and not from a bench. A lot more can be said about position . . .

Sight alignment: look through the center of the rear sight. I place the bullseye at the center of the rear sight (some place the top of the front sight at the center).

Sight picture: for bullseye targets, I prefer a modified six o'clock hold, where the top of the front sight is a sliver of white below the bottom of the bullseye. It looks kinda like this: i. In the regular six o'clock hold, the top of the front sight touches the bottom of the bullseye. Use one of these two sight pictures (there are others, but I don't reccomend them).

Remember, your focus should be on the front sight!

Link Posted: 5/13/2002 10:27:36 PM EDT
Maybe you are anticipating the recoil of the shot and flinching (a common problem amongst pistol shooters). Try getting your friend to load a dummy round at a random location in the mag and see if the front sight dips when you pull the trigger on the dud.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 12:17:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 1:26:34 AM EDT
Good one Troy.

Link Posted: 5/14/2002 8:59:53 AM EDT
If you are shooting at bullseye targets, you will do best with a six o'clock or modified six o'clock hold.

If you are having problems getting groups or centered hits, you should be shooting at bullseye targets.

Correct sight picture requires a target (i.e., aiming point), by the way.
Link Posted: 5/14/2002 9:37:01 AM EDT

Remember, your focus should be on the front sight!

Like he said...


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