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Posted: 8/13/2011 3:08:32 AM EDT
Hi everyone I am new to SBRs and NFA. Here is my problem. I am 20 years old. I turn 21 in Feb. and would like to on the day of my birthday have the gun at the dealer and send off the form 4. Here is my question: I already have enough money for the rifle (10.5" LWRC M6A2), should I go ahead and order it to the dealer? February is 6 months away, but I want to buy the rifle before its price goes up or the model changes. Is it a good idea to order it this soon? What if the laws change? Will I get my money back for the rifle? Should I just say fuck it and go with a 16" barrel? The absolute earliest I would have the rifle in my hands would be June of next year. Would I be at risk of loosing my money / investment?

Link Posted: 8/13/2011 6:20:08 AM EDT
I'd see what your dealer is willing to do. I mean, the F3 from LWRC to your dealer might take a month, but then the gun is going to sit at your dealers for five months. Some dealers don't like having a customers gun just sit for that long. I know of a couple of shops that charge storage fees if customers leave stuff. If you are buying the gun from your dealer and paying their retail price on it, I'd think maybe they wouldn't have a problem with it. As far as the price changing, well, yeah, that could always happen. The laws changing? Between now and then? Not a chance. So I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think LWRC would change the item, the M6A2 is part of their flagship line, so I doubt it'll be going any where any time soon.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 9:00:22 AM EDT
I'd see what your dealer is willing to do. I mean, the F3 from LWRC to your dealer might take a month, but then the gun is going to sit at your dealers for five months. Some dealers don't like having a customers gun just sit for that long. I know of a couple of shops that charge storage fees if customers leave stuff. If you are buying the gun from your dealer and paying their retail price on it, I'd think maybe they wouldn't have a problem with it. As far as the price changing, well, yeah, that could always happen. The laws changing? Between now and then? Not a chance. So I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think LWRC would change the item, the M6A2 is part of their flagship line, so I doubt it'll be going any where any time soon.

Thanks for your helpful reply. The class III dealer I have talked to doesn't mind the gun sitting in his safe at the store. Another question I have is what happens if for some god awful reason the stamp is denied? Would I lose all of my money on the gun I paid for or would I get a refund?
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 9:23:18 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 2:41:54 PM EDT
I'd see what your dealer is willing to do. I mean, the F3 from LWRC to your dealer might take a month, but then the gun is going to sit at your dealers for five months. Some dealers don't like having a customers gun just sit for that long. I know of a couple of shops that charge storage fees if customers leave stuff. If you are buying the gun from your dealer and paying their retail price on it, I'd think maybe they wouldn't have a problem with it. As far as the price changing, well, yeah, that could always happen. The laws changing? Between now and then? Not a chance. So I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think LWRC would change the item, the M6A2 is part of their flagship line, so I doubt it'll be going any where any time soon.

Thanks for your helpful reply. The class III dealer I have talked to doesn't mind the gun sitting in his safe at the store. Another question I have is what happens if for some god awful reason the stamp is denied? Would I lose all of my money on the gun I paid for or would I get a refund?

Like tony said, if you do get denied, you'll likely have to sell the item. I'd guess the shop you are dealing with would do that for you, for 10-20% of the sale price for the trouble. But the question is, would you be denied? Have you bought long guns before? Its the same check. Another thing to check on, is see if the CLEO is willing to sign off in your area. If they aren't, plan on getting a trust done, and just have the gun transferred to that. I'd have to think your dealer would know if your local CLEO would sign off on things, but if he doesn't, try the home town forum for your area. I'm sure someone could help you out with that. But other then that you should be good to go.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 3:34:20 PM EDT
I'd see what your dealer is willing to do. I mean, the F3 from LWRC to your dealer might take a month, but then the gun is going to sit at your dealers for five months. Some dealers don't like having a customers gun just sit for that long. I know of a couple of shops that charge storage fees if customers leave stuff. If you are buying the gun from your dealer and paying their retail price on it, I'd think maybe they wouldn't have a problem with it. As far as the price changing, well, yeah, that could always happen. The laws changing? Between now and then? Not a chance. So I wouldn't worry about that. I don't think LWRC would change the item, the M6A2 is part of their flagship line, so I doubt it'll be going any where any time soon.

Thanks for your helpful reply. The class III dealer I have talked to doesn't mind the gun sitting in his safe at the store. Another question I have is what happens if for some god awful reason the stamp is denied? Would I lose all of my money on the gun I paid for or would I get a refund?

Like tony said, if you do get denied, you'll likely have to sell the item. I'd guess the shop you are dealing with would do that for you, for 10-20% of the sale price for the trouble. But the question is, would you be denied? Have you bought long guns before? Its the same check. Another thing to check on, is see if the CLEO is willing to sign off in your area. If they aren't, plan on getting a trust done, and just have the gun transferred to that. I'd have to think your dealer would know if your local CLEO would sign off on things, but if he doesn't, try the home town forum for your area. I'm sure someone could help you out with that. But other then that you should be good to go.

I have bought several rifles from other local FFLs in town. CLEO sign off is not going to happen. I am going the trust route and will be setting that up soon. Do you have to be 21 to go ahead and setup the trust or should I not even bother trying to contact the lawyer until I am 21? Also once again thanks for your replies. I think I am going to go ahead and order the rifle on Tuesday even if it won't be in my hands for another 8-9 months at least.
Link Posted: 8/13/2011 7:27:16 PM EDT
Nope. No need to be 21 to get a trust made. So that can be done whenever you want. Get it notarized, and you'll be good to go.
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 8:01:27 AM EDT
Nope. No need to be 21 to get a trust made. So that can be done whenever you want. Get it notarized, and you'll be good to go.

So by that token could I go ahead and order the rifle to the dealer, fill out the paper work, and send it to the atf while I am still 20 and they will approve it and send the stamp? Only thing is the dealer couldn't transfer me the item until my 21st birthday? If this is so I will be awesome. It would be nice if I could go ahead and send off the form 4 and wait for approval now.

Also thanks again for your helpful replies. If it turns out that I could potentially pick up my sbr on my 21st birthday I will be stoked
Link Posted: 8/14/2011 6:46:18 PM EDT
That's a good question. I'd say ask a lawyer when you get the trust set up. If you had someone in the trust who was over 21, then I'd guess you could get it before. But that would be something you should ask someone who is in the know for your area. As good as the info on the net is.
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