For home defense nothing beats a reliable semi-auto centerfire rifle or shotgun. Nothing.
Under just the stress of friendly competition I've watched guys short-stroke pumps, fuck up lever-actions all the place, forget to work bolt-actions, etc....
All of the sunny-day range guys and forum bandits will probably blather on about the effectiveness of one caliber vs another being the most important thing and it's really not. Whatever the biggest caliber you are comfortable with putting as many rounds on target with while scared out of your freakin' mind is what matters.
Unless you're seriously trained and/or have been in a bunch of firefights, your capacity to do even simple tasks is greatly diminished under life and death type stress. Working most lever actions reliably probably isn't in that capacity.
There's a reason armies around the world have adopted various semi or fully auto rifles.
So, SKS, no questions. And you can still reliably kill game with it out to 200 yards or beyond if you get a good rifle and practice a ton with it.