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Posted: 4/28/2004 1:04:46 PM EDT
Which do you think is better?  I always found rifle sights easy to line up quickly if the rear notch is forward of my eye a little way, like up on the rear of the barrel.  But, I hear Jeff Cooper and other promote ghost rings for faster target acquisition.  What is your all's exprience?
Link Posted: 4/28/2004 1:15:22 PM EDT
I've owned and shot both.  In my experience, ghost ring sights are faster at close ranges.  Beyond 50 yards, good open sights are more precise for slugs.   The Mossberg ghost ring sights have such a large aperture, that is is very easy not to have the post centered in it, so long range accuracy suffers.  Still, if I had to choose, I'd go with the ghost ring sights every time.
Link Posted: 4/30/2004 2:17:10 PM EDT
My experience is just the opposite. I found that ghost ring sights were measurably slower, for me, than a bead front or rifle sights on my 3-gun 1100.
Link Posted: 4/30/2004 2:25:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/30/2004 5:20:56 PM EDT
Nothing's faster than a bead. Just put the bead on the target and shoot. The only reason I would go with the other two would be if I was going to shoot slugs heavily. Since I don't hunt, I mainly shoot slugs about every couple of times I go out just for familiarity. If I did hunt, I'd probably stick with the bead anyway for simplicity.
Link Posted: 5/1/2004 12:46:24 AM EDT
Same here.  I like the ghost ring sights for placing slugs down range, but they're to slow picking up targets close in.
Link Posted: 5/1/2004 1:06:10 AM EDT

My experience is just the opposite. I found that ghost ring sights were measurably slower, for me, than a bead front or rifle sights on my 3-gun 1100.

I believe that it is mostly about preference.  Some may be better off with ghost rings, and some (like motorep and myself) would be better off with open sights.

There is always the argument about ghost rings being impractical on scatterguns, because they scatter.  You won`t be getting pin-point accuracy when using buckshot, so why the need for sights that are meant to be accurate with single projectiles?  I would use those sights if I was faster with them.  I`m not, so I use the bead on my 870.  IMHO, it all comes down to what works for you.
Link Posted: 5/2/2004 5:12:45 PM EDT
I'm with Hoss, my 870 Police is a 20" with rifled sights, and I'm very accurate with it using slugs at distance, but up close they tend to slow me down.  A good ghost ring set up is much faster for me.
Link Posted: 5/4/2004 9:27:09 AM EDT
I have all types, rib, rifle and ghost.  For me Ghost is the slowest and least accurate.  Just not as instintcive and takes away from the real speed of a shotgun.  Skeet with a rib is about as fast as shotgunning can get, and no one ever came up with the need for ghost sites on the skeet pad.

I bought a benelli nova with ghost sites thinking I needed them, they work, but I should have saved the money.  When I use the nova in tactical shotgun matches, I seem to miss more then when I use my M1s90 with rifle sites.

I think the ghost sites are an adaption for rifle guys who resist or do not like shotguns.  It makes then feel like they are shooting a rifle.  So, I suppose for a pure rifle guy, the ghost and post setup feels good.  To me, it ruins a shotgun.  But I learned how to use a shotgun on a 20 ga double when I was 10, so a rib is more natural to me.

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